

Almost there!


I woke up at 7:25 this morning.

I went to the exercise as usual and we were so happy to have our favorite instructor back:):):)

From today, we started having ZUMBA and it was so much fun that I kept laughing almost the whole time:) Thank you Olivia, you are the best!

After coming home, I took a shower, had an Enligsh conversation class and had lunch with Moo.

Then he went to play soccer and I went for a coffee with my friend from university. We went to a cozy cafe and had a good time there:) It was a bit hard to get there though...

I came home at 4, kept thinking about the class for the Thai students. But I was really struggling to make an activity about directions.

After making curry for dinner, Moo came home from the soccer game and we had early dinner. Then we went to buy bubble tea in the station and came home:)

After thinking very hard, I finally came up with an idea and made it on the computer! Now I feel so relieved. Of course the important thing is it’ll work but I believe it will:)

OK, let’s go to bed early and take some rest. 

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)