


Before a public holiday:)

2020.4.30(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Although I overslept a little bit, I still managed to go for a walk and had a great time outside:) After Moo started working, I enjoyed some reading and made dinner in advance. I was going to …


2020.4.29(水) 今日は日本は昭和の日で祝日でしたが、こちらはいつもどおりの平日でした(^O^) 朝はいつも通りに起き、日の出前ウォーキングと英会話というルーティンにも少し慣れてきたように思います♬とにかく朝の空気が気持ちいい(*^-^*)コロナの在宅…

Time went by fast on Tuesday

2020.4.28(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning. Although Moo looked very sleepy, we went for a walk as usual and had a relaxing time:) There was a very small street cat and it caught our eyes, especially Moo's. A man also cared about it so muc…

Tackling maths problems

2020.4.27(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk after breakast. The weather was pretty good and the sky was so beautful:) I felt like I had been on vacation. Since it was a rest day for me, I went grocery shopping and got mu…

Raining all day

2020.4.26(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning. hihi We slept in and had relaxing breakfast at home. We were supposed to go for a walk in the morning but it was raining outside, so we just stayed at home and studied in the morning. We had lunc…


2020.4.25(土) 今日は7時過ぎに起きて、朝のウォーキングをせずに洗濯をして、仕事を始めました。何の問題のない、とても穏やかなレッスンばかりで気持ちい1日でした♬ お昼はラーメンを作り、夜は買い出しに行かなくても作れるものということで、鶏肉のト…

Eating is life itself

2020.4.24(Fri) I woke up at 6 as usual and we had our morning routine. After Moo started his work, I had the second conversation lesson and did some work with my computer. Today it was pouring rain outside and we both felt a bit tired. He …

Had a better day:)

2020.4.23(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning. Moo and I went for a walk as usual and we had a good morning air. Of course we had a distance between each other. Today I was working on looking for a textbook I would be using for a maths class,…


2020.4.22(水) 今日は6時過ぎに起き、いつもどおり朝の散歩に行きました。昨日政府からの発表で、運動に行くのもひとりで行きなさいというお達しがあり、むーとは離れて歩きました。なんだかいろいろ規制がありすぎて寂しくなってきますね。 帰ってきてから…

Teaching a smart student...

2020.4.21(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. But I was too sleepy to go for a walk. Moo also decided to stay with me. hihi I didn't feel good later as well, then I realized that I was actually hungover. ha ha ha Although I didn't d…

A good rest day:)

2020.4.20(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. Moo and I went for a walk as usual and he started working at 8:40. I went to a supermarket to do grocery shopping and was able to buy everything I wanted:) phew Although it was quite heavy, I cam…


2020.4.19(日) 今日はむーが6時半頃に起こしてくれる予定だったのに、私が目覚めたときにはもう7時でした(;^ω^)暑くなりそうだな~と思いながらも、朝ご飯を食べてからウォーキングへ。今日はスタジアムのほうまで行って帰って5kmでした(^O^)ちょ…

Busy day done!

2020.4.18(Sat) I woke up at 7 o'clock. Moo woke me up and encouraged me to go for a walk. Although I didn't want to go, it was good to do as usual:) I started work at 9:40, had one-hour break at noon and had another three hours for the cla…

Zoom drinking

2020.4.17(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I had a dream that Moo lost his hair. hahaha He was really shocked to hear that even it was in my dream. hahahaha We went for a walk as usual and he started working. I hung up the laundr…


2020.4.16(木) 今日は6時10分に起き、また7時前からウォーキングに行きました。今日はもちろんマスクをつけて行ったのですが、やっぱり運動するときにマスクは暑いですね。。。 午後から授業が6コマあることが分かっていたので、午前中からカレーを仕込…

First bad connection ever

2020.4.15(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. When Moo and I went for a walk, we noticed that everyone was wearing a mask. We wondered why and one uncle talked to us and said that we had to wear a mask when being outside, or we would be fine…

Started a busy week

2020.4.14(Tue) I can't believe that it's already 14th of April! Time has gone by so fast:O I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk with Moo as well as yesterday. Since it was before the sunrise, we weren't exposed to the sunshine:)…


2020.4.13(月) 今日は6時10分に起き、むーの英会話の先生が見つからなかったので7時前から朝のウォーキングに行きました♪日が昇る前で、思っている以上に多くの人が同じようにウォーキングしていました(^O^)朝からいい気分(*^-^*) むーは9時前から…

Great Sunday

2020.4.12(Sun) We woke up at 6:30 this morning! Moo and I had big breakfast and went for a walk at 7:30:) Although the sun was already out, we were so fortunate that we didn't get the direct sunshine so much, which made us easy to walk:) W…


2020.4.11(Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning. I had a quite scary dream and I really don't know why I dreamed about this. I'm wondering how he's doing now. I had breakfast with Moo and started a busy day. I did the laundry, had a conversatio…


2020.4.10(Fri) 本来なら今日から4日間スリランカへ行く予定だったのですが、もちろんフライトはキャンセルになり、いつ行けるか分からなくなりましたこれは仕方ないことですが、なかなか残念。。いつかまた行ける日が来ますように。 今日は8時前に起き、…

Done with spring program:)

2020.4.9(Thu) Since tomorrow's a national holiday, I feel like today is Friday, but it's still Thursday... I woke up at 6 this morning as usual, but I didn't have time to go for a walk as I had to hang up the laundry. After the housework, …

Working hard at home

2020.4.8(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After having a conversation lesson, Moo and I went for a morning walk and it felt very good:) The sky was blue and we enjoyed having clear air. After that both of us started working and I…


2020.4.7(火) 今日は甥っ子の5歳の誕生日です(^O^)もう5歳、はやいな~(*^-^*)すくすく育ち、最近では英語の歌も上手に歌えてとっても素敵です。いっぱい笑顔があふれる1年になりますように♡ 今日はいつも通り6時に起きましたが、お弁当を作らなくて…

See you in May and stay safe!

2020.4.6(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I had a very bad stomachache this morning and wanted to lie down. But I have a lot of things to do, so I did what to do. Moo was supposed to start his work from home, so he went for a wal…

Ready to work from home:)

2020.4.5(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning and went for a run with Moo. Since we ran quite slowly, we didn't get tired at all:) I think I can enjoy running if we do that speed. After that he went to the hairsalon and I did the laundry and h…


2020.4.4(土) 今日は7時に起きて朝から仕事へ。4時間レッスンの予定でしたが、1時間忘れられていたので3時間となり、その後3時間ひたすらにテキストのスキャン…(;^ω^)でも最後の30分くらいは自分でもビックリするほど速く、そしてきれいにスキャン…

The situation is changing...

2020.4.3(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I went to work, taught for four hours in the morning and had two-hour-break. Then I had another two lessons. Everything went well and I clearly feel that I got used to teaching online:) W…

Getting used to this teaching style

2020.4.2(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning and made up with Moo. It's always good to forget something that annoyed us by having a good sleep:) I went to work at 9 and had four lessons again. The student doing math did an incredible job toda…


2020.4.1(水) まだまだ4月になった感がなく、日付を書くときはほぼほぼ3と書いてしまっています(;^ω^) 今日もきちんと6時に起き、朝英会話をしてから仕事へ。毎日朝から4時間連続の授業も少しずつ慣れてきました。子供たちもよく頑張ってくれています(…