


Thinking about work all the time

2020.6.30(Tue) I can't believe that it's already the end of June! June has gone by so fast. I think this is because I've work the hardest since I started working as a tutor. I woke up at 6 as usual, felt pretty good at first, but I started…


2020.6.29(月) もう6月も明日でおしまいですね('_')1か月、いっぱい働いてあっという間に過ぎました。来月のお給料日が楽しみだな~( ̄▽ ̄) 今日は6時に起きてお散歩はお休みして久しぶりに会社へ。今日から通常通りの教室授業に戻りました。1時間早く行…

A super productive day

2020.6.27(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning. Moo and I went for a walk to the park along the sea as planned. We walked a different route today and happened to get into a SUPER EXPENSIVE residence area. There were so many huge mansions like …


2020.6.27(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I felt like I had a really good sleep. I have only three classes today, so I finished work at 2pm:) After work, Moo and I went shopping for the first time in three months! We went to the shopp…

Friday Friday Friday:D

2020.6.26(Fri) I slept in until 6:30 this morning and didn't go for a walk, but had a conversation lesson as usual. After that, we did the laundry and started working. Today was the last day of having 4 lessons in the morning, so I was qui…


2020.6.25(木) 今日は6時に起き、お昼のオムライスを作ってから英会話をし、お散歩にも行けました♬時間帯が少し変わるだけでも空の色が全然違うので、いつも散歩が楽しいです。久しぶりに朝のルーティンが全部できたので、なかなかいい気分になり、その後午…

It's been a while

2020.6.24(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Finally I was able to go for a morning walk:) The weather was not good, which made the air quite cold and felt good. Moo went to work and I started work at 9. It was a quite busy day and…


2020.6.23(火) 今日は6時に起き、お弁当も作って準備万端に家を出たらまた雨が降り始めてました(涙)でも今日も引き返したのは正解で、そのあとすぐに大雨が降ってきました。最近本当に雨降りが多くてなかなかお散歩に出かけられません。そして洗濯が全然…

Do as I feel like

2020.6.22(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. I decided to go for a walk when Moo left for work, but it started raining:( I gave up going and it was a good decision. It stated heavily raining and I would've had a cold if I'd gone. I start…

6th anniversary:)

20206.21(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning. I made a sandwish and cut a vey ripe mango for breakfast. The was super sweet and we enjoyed the relaxing breakfast so much:) After having breakfast, we cleaned the bedroom. We hadn't done big cle…


2020.6.20(土) 昨日はポケモンして日記をおさぼりしたので、日記自体は翌日に書いています。 朝は7時すぎに起きて、授業前に洗濯だけして授業開始。 残すところオンライン授業もあと少しになったため、1対1で時間を取れている子たちには、今までよりもし…

Bonus and the isle of Armor

2020.6.19(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and went for a walk with Moo. It was a quite cool morning, so it was good to walk outside:) I started work as usual but had a quite rough time. I got exhausted and had a nap during the lu…

Getting used to the new normal

2020.6.18(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk alone. It's always nice to have something to listen to when walking by myself. I enjoyed listening to Hapa Eikaiwa Podcast as I used to do on the way to the park. Since Moo had…


2020.6.17(水) 今日は6時過ぎにちょっと寝坊して起き、お散歩に行ったら雨がパラパラ降ってきました。引き返そうかとも思ったのですが、せっかく出かけたからにはとちょっと無理して歩いてしまいました。そしたらそのせいで体が冷え、シャワーで温まったの…

Last 20's:)

2020.6.16(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and he sang happy birthday to me as soon as he woke up:) I felt very happy and special:) hihi After having breakfast, I went for a walk by myself and collected a percel that my mom and si…

Ahead of time

2020.6.15(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Since I was very nervous about today's lessons, I couldn't sleep well and woke up several times during sleep. Moo was going to work from home today, we went for a walk together. Then we …


2020.6.14(日) 今日は朝起きたらもう8時半でしたΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!むーもすっかり寝坊していて、朝ご飯を食べて急いで美容院へ。私は昨日、今年初めてサボった(!)英会話を2回して、掃除洗濯と主婦らしい時間を過ごしました。 頼まれてもいないのにお昼から張り…

Finally Saturday...

2020.6.13(sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Having gone for a walk, I started work at 10 and finished at 5. Moo cooked ramen for our lunch, so I had some good time during the lunch break. Since everyone did great today, I didn't have an…

Small rewards

2020.6.12(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although I couldn't go for a walk this morning, I prepared Moo's lunch and had a conversation lesson before work. I had 7 classes in total today. Of course I got quite tired, but everyon…


2020.6.11(木) 朝、目が覚めたら7時15分でした!(汗)むーが出勤の日じゃなかったので何の問題もなく済みましたが、これが会社行く日だったらえらいことでした(*´ω`)よかった~ 私はあまり体調がよくなかったのでのんびり過ごしつつも、授業が7時間もあ…

Be well prepared

2020.6.10(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and went for a walk alone. I tend to walk faster when I'm on my own, which makes me sweat. The weather was beautiful and I felt very refreshed:) After sending Moo off, I finished housewor…

Busy days have started

2020.6.9(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Moo and I again went for a walk and I had two conversation lessons in a row. I had a very productive morning:) Having three classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon was qu…


2020.6.8(月) 今日は6時に起き、むーも在宅勤務だったので二人でいつもどおりお散歩へ。相変わらず多くの人が運動していて、みんな続けててすごいな~と思いました。私もその一員でい続けたいものです。 仕事は今日から夏期講習がスタート!今週は楽な方で…

Sunny Sunday

2020.6.7(Sun) Moo woke me up at 7:30 this morning. He's in charge of getting up earlier and waking me up on weekends, so I can always sleep in. hihi I made a sandwich for breakfast and made some apple jam for bread. Even though I finish ma…

Change the air around me

2020.6.6(Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning and did some stuff before work. Since today's work was quite long, it was 5 when I finished. I'm glad I did quite well today. Well, that's thanks to my students though:) I cooked dinner and went sh…


2020.6.5(金) 今日は6時に起き、朝むーを見送る前にいつものルーティンができなかったのですが、8時に見送ってから2回英会話をし、散歩に出かけようと思って外に出ました。 マンションのエレベーターを降りたところでマスクのし忘れに気づいた私。ここで…

It's been two months

2020.6.4(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk with Moo since he was going to work from home today. There were many people walking and jogging at the riverside. It was cool outside, so we really enjoyed strolling:) I had to …


2020.6.3(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk alone for the first time. Since I had a brisk walk, I got quite tired and fell asleep on the sofa... OMG Moo went to work and I just had a very relaxing morning. I prepared for …


2020.6.2(火) 今日からむーは1日出勤になり、朝一緒に散歩には行ったものの、今日はショートコースにし、8時に家を出て会社に向かいました。私は久しぶりにお弁当を作って送りましたが、昨日カビだらけのお弁当箱、ちゃんと漂白しといてよかった~(;^ω^…

Staying home alone

2020.6.1(Mon) June has started:O I really can't believe that! But I'm pretty happy that we had a good month in May with doing many things as our routine and lived healthily:) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and we went for a walk as u…