


The end of March

2021.3.31(Wed) I woke up at 5:30 this morning at first and couldn't go back to sleep for a while. But when I fell asleep, I didn't notice that it was already 7:30. I had a very strange dream and it reminded me of my head teacher at the pre…


2021.3.30(火) 昨日は日本語で書く日だったのに、気づかずに英語で書いていましたd(・∀・`*) さて、今日はいつも通りに起きて午前中は例のごとく姪っ子の自宅保育に従事(;^ω^)姉は自分の部屋をせっせと掃除するので、その間ずっと遊んでいました。 お昼か…

Full bloom☺

2021.3.29(Mon) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. Siter asked me to accompany her to a supermarkt, but she was in a very bad mood and had a short temper:( She suddenly became angry and I was totally confused. After a while, she got a…

Babysitting half a day

2021.3.28(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning. Although I went to bed quite late, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Before breakfast, I bought many things on Yahoo shopping as they were on sale and I would get lots of points:D In total…

CRAB lunch:D

2021.3.27(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After having a conversation lesson in the morning, my parents and I went to a restaurant to have crab lunch:D It had been a while since I last went there, so I was very excited:) Although we w…


2021.3.26(金) 今日はいつもどおりに7時半に起きました。なぜか少し早い時間に気分が悪くなって目が覚め、若干心配していたものの気づいたらまた寝ていました妊婦として何もかもが初めてなのでちょっとしたことも心配になってしまいますね。 午前中はおちび…

Visited my old swimming school

2021.3.25(Thu) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. In the morning Mom and Siter went out, so I took two conversation lessons and it was very comfortable to do it with a new tablet:) It was quite troublesome to have lessons with a smar…

Another nice spring walk:)

2021.3.24(Wed) I woke up at 8 this morning as Mom overslept and she had just woken up as well. hahaha In the morning, I went to get my hair cut so that I could look a bit better. Mom's mom cut my hair and got much better than before:) Sinc…


2021.3.23(火) 今日はいつもどおり7時半に起きましたが、姉と姪っ子が来ないということで朝からゆっくり過ごすことができました( ̄▽ ̄)リンツのチョコレートを食べながらコーヒーを飲み、新聞を読んでいい気分♫たまにはこんな平日あってほしいです(笑) 母と…

Video call with a close friend

2021.3.22(Mon) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. Since Mom and Sister went to COSTCO, I had my own time at home:) I pressed the iron on shirts, had a conversation lesson and had a video call with one of the closest friends out there. She als…

Fun lunch and birthday party

2021.3.21(Sun) Today was Moo and my proposal anniversary:) He proposed to me five days ago today. Time has gone by quite fast but we are closer than that time! Thank you for always taking care of me I woke up at 7:20 this morning. Seems li…


2021.3.20(土) 今日はなぜか6時半ごろに目が覚めて、そのまま寝られなかったのでベッドの中でぐずぐず過ごしてから7時半くらいに起きましたd(・∀・`*) 朝からアメリカに住む兄家族から電話がかかってきて、みんなの元気そうな顔が見られて良かったです(^ν…

Got exhausted :O

2021.3.19(Fri) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. My lower back is getting ache when I sleep. I think my tummy is getting bigger and bigger, so there is a pressure on my back. Only 40 days to go, it's time to stand the pain! Go go Yui! Today …

Spending time with my best friend

2021.3.18(Thu) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. My best friend came over and we finally got to talk to each other for the first time in a year:) We're so glad that both of us are pregnant and very excited about it☺️ Although she wa…


2021.3.17(水) 今日は7時半ごろに起き、午前中から家族でなばなの里に出かけました♫お天気がとっても良く、河津桜を楽しみに行ったのですが残念ながらすでに葉桜状態(´._.`) あと1週間早く来てたら良かったかもと思いましたが、そのあとのチューリップが…

Reminiscing about 14 years ago today

2021.3.16(Tue) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. Sister gave me a drive to the dentist and I had a checkup for the first time in 3 years:O Although I was quite scared, I didn't have any decay.Phew The doctor told me I wouldn't have …


2021.3.15(Mon) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. Since Mom was going to go to her painting class in the afternoon, we went for a walk at 10am. Mom and Sister said they would never walk without me. Ha ha ha. We walked for 40minutes a…


2021.3.14(日) 今日は8時前に起きて、10時から出かけて父方、母方両方のお墓参りに行きました。結婚してから1,2回しか行けてなかったと思うのでかなり久しぶりでした。無事に帰国できたこと、おちびがもうすぐ生まれることを報告して、先祖の皆さまにお見…

Always motivate each other

2021.3.13(Sat) I woke up at 8 this morning. I had a busy morning having a conversation lesson and went for a lunch with one of my closest friends. I asked her to come to my prefecture as I can't go outside of my prefecture. Since she's mov…

Mother class

2021.3.12(Fri) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since Mom and Sister went to a fabric shop, I went for a walk by myself and walked for 40 minutes:) I also finished a conversation lesson, so had more time in the evening. After lunch, I went …


2021.3.11(木) 今日で東日本大震災から10年。あの日のことは今でも鮮明に覚えています。 母と2人、リビングでのんびりテレビを見ていた大学1年生の春休み。天井から吊るしてあるポトスがゆ〜らゆら揺れ始め、気持ち悪い長い揺れが1分ほど続きました。 …

Suffering from hay fever

2021.3.10(Tue) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since Mom went to the dentist in the morning, I cooked rice pilaf for lunch with a rice cooker. It was very easy and tasted quite good:) I'll try making it when I go back to Moo! In the aftern…

Taking care of a 2-year-old girl

2021.3.9(Tue) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After having breakfast, I had a conversation lesson and made a birth plan to submit this week. I don't have many requests, just hope my little one will come to this world in healthy condition:)…


2021.3.8(月) 今日は7:30に起きて、朝から地元の神社のお座敷で開催されたマタニティヨガ教室に参加してきました(^○^) 参加者はわたしのほかにもうひとりだけだったのですが、その方もご主人が台湾にいらっしゃって、産んでから台湾について行くかここで一人…

It’s been a month!

2021.3.7(Sun) It's been a month since I came back to Japan. Time goes by so fast and I can't believe one month has passed! I'm gaining weight every single day by eating Mom's food and have gained more than 3kg since coming back. Hihi My li…

A very warm day:)

2021.3.6(Sat) I woke up at 8 this morning. When I woke up, it was already quite warm outside. Then I put on some clothes for spring and it was enough:) Even Pon-Chan wanted to go outside and looked at the backyard from the sunroom. (Mom is…

こんなに探したのに、、、( ˙-˙ )

2021.3.5(金) 今日は7時半ごろに起きました。朝からしとしと雨だったけど、あったかい雨で少し春の気配を感じました(^ν^) 午前中からイオンに出かけ、おちびのお出かけ用のお洋服や抱っこ紐、わたしのレギンスなどを見て回り、だんだん出産やおちびを迎…

First buying formula

2021.3.4(Thu) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and had a relaxing morning for the first time in a while since everyone went out:) I searched presents for my close friend's engagement online. Although I wanted to buy presents at KEYUCA, they …


2021.3.3(Wed) I slept in until 8 this morning. That's why time went by very fast in the morning and I just spent time on thinking about what to buy for welcoming the little one. Seems like there were only some stuff to buy because Sister k…

流行りについていけない( ˙-˙ )

2021.3.2(火) 今日は7時半ごろに起き、午前中から母と姉とイオンへ出かけました(^_^)私の春に着る服を買うため、ということでしたが、いちばんその気がない私(笑) お店に連れられ、服を着るものの、どれもこれも丈が長い(´._.`)そして着た感じ、あんま…