



2020.9.30(水) 9月も今日が最終日とは…季節感のない国に住んでいると、本当にいつなんだかさっぱりわかりません('_')むーが単身でこっちにいたときによくそう言っていて、「なんか大げさなこと言ってるわ…」と思っていた私でしたが、自分も住んでみて同じよ…

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep...

2020.9.29(Tue) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. Since I didn't have to prepare Moo's lunch this morning, I started reading and fell asleep on the bed. The novel I'm reading is a very weird story and sometimes makes me feel a bit ti…

Songs that make me feel comfortable

2020.9.28(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and sent him off. I cleaned the house and went to the hospital to see my little one. It grew dramatically and I found hands and feet:D What was more, when I was being examined, it was …


2020.9.27(日) 今日は7時半頃むーに起こされて起きました。朝とても悲しい夢を見ていたので夢でよかったと思ったのですが、ニュースを開けると夢であってほしかった竹内結子さんの訃報。。何があったのか分かりませんが、三浦春馬くんや芦名さんに続き、辛…

Frog porridge as a reward

2020.9.26(Sat) I woke up at 7:20 this morning and both of us went to work. He was going to have a meeting with his client even thought it's Saturday today:O It's very Japanese style that he couldn't turn down the request. I gave two classe…

Friday alone

2020.9.25(Fri) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. Moo went to work as usual and I did housework in the morning. My stomach didn't feel good and I spent most of the time on the sofa. Fotunately I felt better after having early lunch, so I stud…


2020.9.24(木) 今日はいつも通りに起き、7時から二人とも英会話を済ませて朝お散歩に行けました♬雨上がりで空は澄んでいて、風も少しつめためでお散歩に最高のお天気(^O^)いつも行きたがらない私が行きたいと言っただけのことはあります( ̄▽ ̄) 今日はむ…

Being lazy

2020.9.23(Wed) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. After sending Moo off, I did the laundry, had a conversation lesson and cleaned the bathroom. Whenever I clean the bathroom, I feel very refreshed and think I should do it more often. But it d…

A lot of walking

2020.9.22(Tue) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After having breakfast and doing a conversation lesson, Moo asked me to go for a walk. Although I didn't feel like it, I accompanied him and it turned out to be a good one:) Thee weat…


2020.9.21(月) 気づいたらもう9月も下旬に入りましたが、結婚記念日をお祝いしてからまだ1カ月しか経っていないと思うと、なんだかとっても変な感じ(;^ω^)もうずっとずーっと前のことのように感じます。 さて、今日はいつも通りに起きてむーを見送った後…

Cleaning up:)

2020.9.20(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning. We went to Botanic Gardens and walked for an hour:) It was not too sunny outside and we had a really nice walk. After that we straight came home around 10:30. We had a conversation lesson and I p…

Great feeling with teaching

2020.9.19(Sat) I woke up at 7:10 this morning. Since Moo had to go to work in the morning, I prepared breakfast quickly and sent him off. Then I had a conversation lesson, did the laundry and gave a lesson online. After that, I noticed tha…


2020.9.18(金) 今日は少しだけお寝坊したけど問題なくむーを見送り、洗濯のない日だったので、英会話を1回だけしてのんびり過ごしました。 やる気が出たり出なかったり、胃の調子が良かったり悪かったり、気持ち悪かったり平気だったりと、まったく自分の体…

Still don't get it...

2020.9.17(Thu) I woke up at 6 as usual. I was in a good mood and didn't have any problems with my health. Thankfully, I finished from doing the laundry to preparing a class in the morninig. But when I was going to cook lunch, I suddenly fe…

Too much acid in the belly

2020.9.16(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. I felt good in the morning, so I had conversation lessons and studied for TOEIC. But after a while, I was getting sick because I took too much acid from fruit. I had honey lemon itsel…


2020.9.15(水) 人生の嬉しかった日ベスト3に入った昨日から一夜明け、いつも通りの朝がやってきました(^O^) いつもどおり6時過ぎに起き、むーのお弁当を準備して見送った後、1日サボってしまったせいで洗濯機に入りきらないほどの洗濯を干せる分だけし…

One of the happiest days in my life:)

2020.9.14(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning and sent Moo off as usual. Instead of having a conversation lesson, I got ready and went to the hospital. Today I saw my doctor to see whether a heart of my little one is beating. I was quite nerv…

First ramen shop ever:D

2020.9.13(Sun) I was woken up by Moo at 7am this morning. He said he woke up at 5:30 and watched Youtube for an hour and a half. OMG Seems like he really want to make the most of weekends. We had breakfast and went for a walk along the riv…


2020.9.12(土) 今日は7時半に起きて、朝からスペシャルサンドイッチを作り、むーとお腹いっぱい食べました( ̄▽ ̄)私はそのあとオレンジも食べ、少し食べ過ぎて気持ち悪くなってしまいましたが(;^ω^) 姪っ子からテレビ電話がかかってきたので、洗濯を干し…


2020.9.11(Fri) I woke up at 7 this morning! OMG Moo and I were very surprised, but we didn't rush and I managed to prepare his lunch. phew It was no problem even though I woke up 1 hour late:) hihi When I was checking the stock market, I f…

Already Thursday!

2020.9.10(Thu) I'm actually quite surprised it's already Thursday! One more day to go to work and we have weekends! Wow Even though I only lie down on the sofa, time has gone by very fast. I was active in the morning and had a very product…


2020.9.9(Wed) 今日は6時10分くらいに起きて、むーを見送るころにはすっかり体調不良(;´д`)お腹も痛く、そのまま夢の中に引きずり込まれ10時まで寝てしまいました。。 その後は英会話と掃除をすませ、早めのお昼も食べたのですが、やはりそこからも微…

Words that made me happy

2020.9.8(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning and sent Moo off at 7:20. Since he left home earlier than usual, I took conversation lessons and did the laundry in a row. I felt quite good this morning, so I was quite active:) After having early…

Stayed home all day

2020.9.7(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. After Moo left for work, I went back to sleep and slept until 10am. It was a good nap and I felt better. After that I had conversation lessons and had a hamburger for lunch. I enjoyed watching 天…


2020.9.6(日) 今日は7時半ごろに起きて、体調も良かったのでしっかり朝ご飯も作れました。 午前中はむーと好きな公園の方にバスで向かい、1時間ほどウォーキングして帰ってきました♬曇っていたので直接日光に当たることなく、新しい道も開拓できて、とても…

Feeling better:)

2020.9.5(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I felt a little nauseous when I woke up, so I asked Moo to cook breakfast and he actually made me a nice sandwich:) I think now I can rely on him. After that I felt much better, so I had two co…


2020.9.4(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning and had breakfast with Moo. But I felt nauseous and couldn't prepare his lunch, which made me feelt sad:( After seeing him off, I managed to do the laundry and clean the room and decided to have a …


2020.9.4(木) 今日はいったん6時に起きて朝ご飯を食べましたが、むーが在宅勤務だったので2度寝しました。そのあともお腹が気持ち悪くってのども痛く、すっかり風邪を引いてしまった様子。。おとといバスでガンガンクーラーの空気に当たったからかな。。つ…

Talking to a best friend

2020.9.2(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. Moo went to work as usual and I took a conversation and did the laundry. I had a lot of time in the morning, so I spent most of the time on reading and finished a novel. It was a very sad, but it …

A sleepy couple

2020.9.1(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning and had a relaxing morning with Moo. Since he was going to work from home, he had a conversation lesson in the morning and still had some time to lie around on the sofa. After he started working…