

Frog porridge as a reward


I woke up at 7:20 this morning and both of us went to work. He was going to have a meeting with his client even thought it's Saturday today:O It's very Japanese style that he couldn't turn down the request. 

I gave two classes in the morning and came home around 1. Then I gave another two lessons online. Fotunately I didn't feel sick at all today, so I was able to work in a good mood:) I enjoyed teaching very much:D

After watching "半沢直樹” with a lot of excitement, We went for a dinner at a very popular local restaurant, which sells frog porridge. I had wanted to go there for a long time and finally today was the day! Fortunately we didn't have to queue at all and took seats soon. The porridge was so good and we couldn't stop eating:) It was a great reward for our work:) 

We stopped by a supermarket to do grocery shopping and came home around 8pm. It was such a nice Saturday:D

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)