

The first thing to do after quarantine


I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I didn't wake up at all during the night:D Yay! I think my body is getting normal except for suffering from hay fever...

Since today was the first day after quarantine, I asked my sister to take me to the city hall to go through some procedure to get back as a citizen. It took quite a lot of time but the people in charge were very nice and kind and I finished everything I needed to do. 
Just one thing that bothered me was reissuing My Number Card. When we come back from a different country, we have to reissue it and it takes about 1 months plus. It's very troublesome:( 

To show my appreciation, I treated my sister to lunch at Osho. It had been ages since I last went there and I really enjoyed the food there:) It was not only good but also super affordable! 
We came home around 1pm, picked my another niece at kindergarten around 3:30 and visited the closest shrine together. It was good to go to greet my 氏神様. 
Although I couldn't go for a walk today, I had a very productive day and felt a sense of accomplishment today:) phew

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)