


Off to Japan:)

2019.12.30(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning sent him off as usual. Since I was busy with the winter program, I hadn't have a time to take a nap in the morning. I decided to have some and ended up sleeping for 2 hours... It felt so good:):)…


2019.12.29(Sun) I woke up at 7:15 this morning and went to the exercise for the first time in one month! Although I didn't feel like going, I pushed myself to go and it resulted in a good decision:) I felt very refreshed and so happy to ex…

Got my keys back:D

2019.12.28(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning.Although I was going to work at 12, I left home to stop by some places... I lost two of my keys last night and couldn't find them. I almost gave up, but decided to go looking for the places I'…


2019.12.27(金) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起き、むーを見送ってから洗濯を干していたらあっという間に9時になってしまいました(;^ω^)準備して冬期講習最終日へ。子供たちは最後まで頑張ってくれました(^O^) お昼は先生と受付の方と一緒にご飯を食べに…


2019.12.26(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Since I was supposed to come home after 7 today, I cooked curry in advance in the morning. I sent him off and had an English conversation lesson. The tutor was a very energetic nice lad…

Merry Christmas:)

2015.12.25(Wed) Since it was a national holiday here, we didn't have work today:) Yay! Moo and I woke up at 7:10 this morning. We were invited to the church where his colleague usually goes, so we left home at 9:20. We took a bus and the b…

クリスマスイブ?( ̄▽ ̄)

2019.12.24(火) 最近英語での日記をサボっております( ̄▽ ̄)仕事で英語を教える時間が長いからか、携帯から書いているからか、日本語な気分です(^ω^) さて、今日はいつもどおり起きてお弁当を作り、朝から夜ごはんをつくりました\( ˆoˆ )/出かけるまでに…


2019.12.23(月) 昨日の夜11時に寝たので、今朝は6時にすっきり起きられました(^O^)本当は毎日23時~6時の7時間睡眠ができれば一番健康的ですが、夜は気にしていないとどうしても11時半ごろになっちゃいます。今は冬期講習があって忙しいので、…


2019.12.22(日) 昨日の夜中、寝ているむーが近づいてきたと思ったら熱いこと!(汗)熱出てかわいそうに、でもうつったら困るわ〜と思いながら目をつぶっていたらそのまま寝ていて、朝方には下がっていたので一安心(*´-`) むーは今日は午前中はずっと寝てい…


2019.12.21(土) 今日は1回7時ごろに目が覚めたものの2度寝して8時半ごろに起床。今日は超超珍しく仕事がお休みの土曜日でした(^O^)!私の担当している生徒たちがみんなお休みだったためゆっくり1日お休みさせていただきました♬ 昨日寝るのが遅かった…

Meeting new people on Friday night:)

2019.12.20(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Moo said he had a sore throat, so I started to be very careful with it as I really can't have that right now! After seeing him off, I decided to take a nap until going to work as I was …

Work and rest

2019.12.19(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning. I was super sleepy as I went to bed at 6 last night... Moo came home around 12:40 from his business trip, so I helped him unpack the luggage and went to bed. He was of course sleepier than me, s…

Another busy day

2019.12.18(Wed) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and took a lesson as usual. I had a relaxing time a bit and went to work. Today's work was easier than yesterday:) My students were a bit more motivated than yesterday and answered questions s…


2019.12.17(火) 今日はむーがバンコクへ出張で、朝7時のフライトということで4時10分に起きました(早)むーは自分のことなのに、アラームを消音にしていて鳴っていませんでした(;^ω^)ひとりだったらぜったい寝坊してたな( ̄▽ ̄) 5時過ぎに見送り、…


2019.12.16(月) 今日はきちんと6時に起きられました(^^)空気を換えようと窓を開けたら、なぜかラベンダーのかおりがひんやりした空気の中からほわ~っとしてきて、とっても幸せな気分になりました♡今日は久しぶりに晴れた清々しい朝で、それだけでありが…

Free lunch, free new movie:)

2019.12.15(Sun) I slept in until 8:30 this morning. Moo woke me up saying "Yui, it's already 8:30! We slept too much!" We normally wake up at 7:20, but I haven't gone to the exercise for a while, so I sleep in and have more sleep:) Since i…

Great way to spend Saturday

2019.12.14(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and went to work as usual. The student who didn't show up last week came, so I asked her why she was abesent and the problem solved:) I got quite tired after the classes, but I also felt happy…

Finished TOEIC:D

2019.12.13(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning. After sending him off, I shortly did the laundry, cleaned the house and got ready to go out. Today's TOEIC test was supposed to start at 10 and we were allowed to go in at 9:40, there had been a…


2019.12.12(木) 今日は6時過ぎに起き、久しぶりに雨の降ってない朝でハッピー(^O^)久しぶりに朝からジムに行き、軽く運動して体もすっきり♬朝からアクティブに動けるといいことばかりです(*^-^*) 10時になり、恒例のTOEICの練習。今日は前にめっちゃ…

Another rainy day

2019.12.11(Wed) I overslept this morning as my pajamas were too comfortable for me to wake up...Again it had been raining when I woke up. After seeing him off, I did the laundry and tried not to sleep long, so I slept for 20 minutes and pr…

Raining all day

2019.12.10(Tue) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. It was really chilly last night, so I wore a thick long T-shirt and slept very well. I'm quite worried if I can stand the cold in Japan. ha ha ha After seeing him off, I cleaned the house and…


2019.12.9(月) 今日は6時の目覚ましが鳴る前から目が覚めていました(*'▽')いつもどおり朝ご飯とお弁当を準備し、英会話まで時間があったので少し授業の予習。それから英会話をしてむーを送り出した後は雨の中洗濯をバルコニーに干しました(;^ω^)この時…

Relaxing with a movie

2019.12.8(Sun) I slept in until 9 this morning:D Since I didn't set the alarm, I didn't get up until 8 and I went back to sleep when I checked the time. hihi That made me skip the Sunday exercise:) It's sometimes good as we have more free …

Potluck and BBQ:)

2019.12.7(Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning. I cooked Gomoku Gohan for potluck and went to work as usual. But my first student didn't come without any notification, so I just had to wait:( I gave two other classes as usual and came back hom…


2019.12.6(金) 今日はいつも通り6時に起きて、アメリカ人の先生とレッスンができました(*'▽')とっても気さくな方で、朝からいっぱいエネルギーと嬉しい言葉をもらっていい気分♬先生と授業できて良かった~(*^-^*) むーを見送り、掃除をした後はパソコン…

A quite productive day:)

2019.12.5(Thu) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I forgot to set my alarm and didn't wake up until then:O But there was no problem and I took a conversation lesson after seeing him off. I decided to make the day more productive, I practiced …


2019.12.4(Wed) Since Moo was away for his business trip, I slept in this morning and woke up at 8. After having breakfast, I took a conversation lesson, cleaned the house and went to the gym to workout. After I did muscle training for 20 m…


2019.12.3(火) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起き、出張に行くむーにたまごサンドを作って持たせ、自分もお昼にたまごサンドを作るためにゆでたまごを茹でました(^O^) 見送ってからいつものように2度寝したかったのですが、いかんいかんと思って掃除と英会話…

Good grocery shopping

2019.12.2(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and left home with Moo to go grocery shopping. Today I didn't go to a supermarket but went to a vegetabale store instead. Although the peppers I wanted to buy weren't there, I got quite a…

First time experience -Dog cafe-

2019.12.1(Sun) December has begun! A year feels so fast. Let's make the most of the time. Today we slept in until 8am. After having breakfast, I was seated in front of the computer to reserve seats on Shinkansen when we come back to Japan.…