



2019.8.31(土) 結婚おめでとう(*'.'*)❤️ とーってもきれいだったよ ずーっとずーっと、穏やかに和やかに幸せな暮らしをしてね(^ν^) 今日はもう体力が限界なので、またシンガポール帰ってからでも追加します(^ω^) ではまた明日♫ おやすみなさい(^…


2019.8.30(Fri) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起きて、朝からジムでちょっと運動とアイロンがけ(^O^) 昨日ランニングマシンで一生懸命歩いていたらすっかりお尻が筋肉痛で、今日は少し遅くしか歩けませんでした(;^ω^)でも2日連続で運動したので、帰国して…

Fully recovered:D

2019.8.29(Thu) Moo has recovered:D Not only he was able to eat food as usual, but also he went for a dinner with his colleagues... Thank you again for your kind word:) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. We had rice for breakfast and h…

Getting better:)

2019.8.28 (Wed) Thank you for your concern about Moo’s health. Fortunately, he didn’t wake up during the night and got better thanks to the good sleep:) Although he still has a headache, he doesn’t feel nauseous nor have a temperature anym…


2019.8.27(Tue) バタンキューならぬ、バタンむー、それはむーのダウンを意味します…(汗) 朝「今日ね、なんかちょっと気持ち悪いんだ~」と珍しいことを言っていたのですが、普通にお仕事行ったので大丈夫かなと思いつつ、お昼にライン。 その後仕事が終わ…

Getting ready to go home:)

2019.8.26 (Mon) I woke up 6 this morning. We had a usually moening except for breakfast. We had natto for breakfast this morning:D The time when we can have natto is only when I go to Donki because it's 3SGD... It would be very difficult i…

Great Sunday:)

2019.8.25(Sun) I woke up at 7:10 this morning. I went to FIGHTDO as usual and sweat a lot:) Since the exercise has a lot of karate movements such as 突き and 蹴り, I can do it quite well and release stress by doing those movements with pow…


2019.8.24 (土) 今日は7時半に起きて9時に家を出て仕事へ。 むーも仕事が溜まっているとのことで一緒に家を出ました。 今日はもともと10時のコマと12時のコマと2時間教える予定だったのですが、12時のコマの子が連絡なしの欠席…夏休み明けなので仕…

Welcome back home:)

2019.8.23 (Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning. I had a conversation lesson with one of my favorite teachers, so I enjoyed it very much:) Then I did the laundry and went to work. I taught maths for two hours again...Although I made some word …

No nap day:D

2019.8.22 (Fri) I woke up at 8 this morning... well actually I overslept. I was having a dream just before waking up and in the dream, Moo's president visited our place. I felt very tired after I woke up. ha ha ha But I had a conversation …

A very busy Wednesday

2019.8.21(Wed) I woke up at 7 this morning. After having a banana, I took a conversation lesson and did the laundry. Then I also cleaned the house and got the work done in the morning:) Yay I felt quite good and went to work. Today I had a…


2019.8.20 (火) 今日は6時に起きたものの、むーが出張のためお弁当作りはなく、そんなに早く起きなくてもいいな~と後悔しました('_') むーをお見送りした後は洗濯もなかったのでしばし朝寝をして、1時間程おうちで仕事をしてから仕事に向かいました。 …

Lazy Monday:P

2019.8.19 (Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. I tried a new type of tamagoyaki for his bento dish, but I wasn's sure if he would liked it. After seeing him off, I did the laundry, cleaned the floor with wet cloth, and ironed my clothes. Alt…

Movie night part 2:)

2019.8.18 (Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning and went exercising at the park as usual. I was glad that I met some regular aunties and we did FIGHTDO together:) It's great to have communication with local people. I really lke it! After comin…


2019.8.17 (土) 今日は7時に起きて9時に家を出て仕事へ。 生徒が来るのが遅くて2時間授業の予定が1時間になってしまいました( ;∀;) 夏休み明け一発目の授業はこういうことがよくあるんですよね。。。とほほ ま、それは仕方ないことなのですが、仕方ない…


2019.8.16 (金) 今日は久しぶりに6時に起きていつもどおりの朝を過ごしました。 ご飯を食べてからむーのお弁当を作り、7時からオンライン英会話。 で、洗濯があるときは8時から干しますが、今日はなかったので身体がだらけて仕事までゆっくり朝寝( ̄▽ ̄) …


2019.8.15 (木) むーが昨日飲み会だったため、今日も6時半起き( ˆoˆ )/ でも大量の洗濯物があったので、朝寝はできず、オンライン英会話だけしてお仕事へ。 朝は1時間だけで、子供達のこの問題やだやだやりたくない攻撃を受けながらも頑張りました(^ω^…

Relief phew

2019.8.14 (Wed) I woke up at 6:30 this morning as Moo didn't book his conversation lesson. Although I slept longer than usual, I was still sleepy and slept until 9:30:O I worked for two hours in the morning and came home to prepare tomorro…

Back to the normal life

2019.8.13 (Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I was supposed to wake up at 6 but was too sleepy to do... Even though I went to bed before 10:30 last night, my body was still exausted and wanted to have more sleep. Moo was doing much bett…

はじめてのベトナム 4日目 最終日

2019.8.12 (月) 今日は5時に起きてホテルの目の前のビーチへ( ˆoˆ )/♫ 浜辺をお散歩している人がたくさんいたり、フリスビーで遊んでるおじさんたちがいたり、各々朝の時間を楽しんでいました(^ν^) 私たちも早く起きて行った甲斐がありました(^ω^) …

はじめてのベトナム 3日目

2019.8.11 (日) 今日は6時すぎに朝日で起きるというすばらしい感覚(^ν^) 今住んでいるところでは日の出は7時15分とかなり遅いため、いつも真っ暗な中起きているのです( ̄▽ ̄;) 朝ごはんをゆっくり食べて幸せな時間を過ごし、少し早めにホテルを出て…

はじめてのベトナム 2日目

2019.8.10 (土) 今日は朝早めに起きて、朝ごはんを食べ、8時半過ぎにはホテルを出発。 早めに空港入りし、コーヒーを飲みながらゆっくり過ごしていたのですが、そのコーヒーが濃い、、、 機内でカラムーチョを食べたこともあり(笑)、かなり気持ち悪くなって…


2019.8.9 (金) 1日目はホーチミンをかるーく観光+おいしいご飯に舌鼓(^ω^) ベトナム戦争証跡博物館 インドシナ戦争やベトナム戦争のことをよく覚えていなくて、行ってみてこんなにひどかったんだと知り、とても心が痛みました。今回いけてよかった場所…


2019.8.8 (木) 今日は連休前最終日。 いつもどおり6時に起きて、やることやってからむーを見送るまでソファでころころしていましたが、自分で作ったto doリストにぞっとして朝からアクティブに動きました。 朝のうちに靴棚の掃除、昨日の日記、日本帰国時に…

Busier than I expected

2019.8.7 (Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After doing tha laundry, I got ready to go out and went to a cafe. The cafe is only 15 minutes walk away from my place, but I'd never been there. Forunately, the place was really good:) …

Nice day:)

2019.8.6 (Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning. After seeing him off, I washed one of the bedsheets I hadn't washed for a long time.... We must feel so good when we sleep tonight. hihi I also did some cleaning and went to the gym as well:) The…

Stay at home wife

2019.8.5 (Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I didn't feel sleepy BUT I had a severe muscle pain with all of my body. That mist have been because of yesterday's FIGHT DO. At the same time I realized that I hadn't done exercise as h…

Nice breezing outside

2019.8.4 (Sun) I woke up at 7:15 this morning. Although I really didn't feel like going to join exercise, I went there because we had a new program today. The program was called "FIGHT DO". Moo had heard of it before and he said it was fun…


2019.8.3 (土) 今日は7時半に起きて、朝からホットケーキを焼きました(^O^) ホットケーキミックスがなんとMade in Indiaで、材料は牛乳だけって書いてあるのに、 イラストにはちゃんと卵の絵が描いてあり、なんだかあんまり信頼できなかったので、 日本のホ…

Walked 11km in the sun!

2019.8.2 (Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I remade the dish that we didn't like very much last night and put it in his bento box. hihi I added some ketchup and that became a little bit better. ha ha ha Normally I relax at home i…