

Getting better:)

2019.8.28 (Wed)

Thank you for your concern about Moo’s health.

Fortunately, he didn’t wake up during the night and got better thanks to the good sleep:) Although he still has a headache, he doesn’t feel nauseous nor have a temperature anymore.  Hope he’ll be fully recovered soon. 


So last night, I decided to sleep apart from him to prevent from catching the same symptoms just in case. I slept on the sofa but I woke up only once and had a quite good sleep over all. Hihi

Today, not only he but also I didn’t feel good... ha ha ha. I had a stomachache and couldn’t resist taking mecidine:( As soon as I got it, I got better and felt very calm.

I had three classes today and all went well, so I was very happy after finishing work:) It’s good to have successful experience to motivate myself! 

Moo and I finished work almost at the same time, so we took a train together and came home around 7:40. I made vegetable and dumpling soup so that he could get nutrition from food and he said it was delicious:) Since he didn’t have appetite yesterday, it was really nice to see his happy face during the dinner time.

I couldn’t make it to the gym today:( But let’s do that after I feel better.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)