


Super relaxing Sunday

2020.5.31(Sun) I woke up at 7:30 and went grocery shopping with Moo. We bought a lot of food and it was really good to have his hands. We were going to drop by McDonald's, but I decided to make a sandwich for breakfast:) It was really heal…


2020.5.30(土) 今日はちょっと寝坊して8時前に起き、朝食のパンがなかったのでパンケーキ(インド産のホットケーキミックス)を焼いて食べたら、なぜか前回より上手に焼けておいしくできました♬ 10時から4時まで仕事でしたが、12時から1時間は休憩で…

Finally Friday:D

2020.5.29(Fri) I can't believe it's already the and of May...Time has gone by so fast:O I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and had the morning routine. Then I went to a bit expensive supermarket to redeem a voucher. Today was a due date,…

Having good communication

2020.5.28(Thu) I woke up at 6:30 this morning:O I overslept and didn't notice that. OMG But we managed to go for a walk as usual and also I had a conversation lesson. phew In the morning, I did some work and time went by very fast. So I pr…


2020.5.27(水) 今日は朝起きたら雨が降っていたので、ウォーキングをあきらめて英会話を2回することにしました。朝のウォーキングがないと、嬉しいような、ちゃんと習慣にしていることができなくて残念な、なんか複雑な気分になります(;^ω^) むーは9時…

Step forward

2020.5.26(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning and went for a walk after breakfast. Since it was quite hot and humid, I was a bit reluctant to go out. But I managed to go and walk as usual:) Phew I wonder if I can continue this routine after M…

Another public holiday:)

2020.5.25(Mon) Today was a public holiday here in this country. Moo and I woke up at 7:30 and went out to buy some bread for breakfast. While he was working in the morning, I was having conversation lessons and reading. He studied Python t…


2020.5.24(日) 今日はむーが寝坊したため、朝起こしてもらったらもう8時で外はすっかり明るくなってました。 今日も朝ごはんを食べずに出かけ、買い出しをして帰ってきてからパンケーキを焼きました(^ω^)前回買った日本のホットケーキミックスがおいし…

Happy Saturday:)

2020.5.23(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and worked from 10am. I had five classes in total and finished at 4. Today Moo helped me with chopping veggies for lunch and we cooked yakisoba together. Since he heard his colleagues actually …

Got paid:D

2020.5.22(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I went for a walk and had two English lessons online. I went to a bank to cash out my cheque, so finally I got paid:D Since I worked very hard last month, I got paid almost twice as I no…

Gaining trust

2020.5.21(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual went for a walk. We don't see the street cat anymore. Seems like someone got it as a pet. We hope it's having a better life:) In the morning, I went to get the cheque and came home before…


2020.5.20(Wed) 今日は朝目が覚めたら雨が降っていてお散歩は中止。その代わりに朝から1時間英会話をしてしっかり英語を話しました(^O^)5月は平日ほとんど1時間できているので、だいぶ言いたいことが言えるようになってきたと思います♬ むーが仕事を始…

7classes in a day:)

2020.5.19(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual, went for a walk and had a conversation lesson. When I told Moo that I would have 7 classes today, he suggested buying dinner instead of me making it. I appreciated his offer and decided …

Choose what to see

2020.5.18(Mon) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I was having a dream just before waking up and couldn't get out of there. ha ha ha But I went for a walk as usual with Moo:) I think this has been a great routine and I really want to keep doi…


2020.5.17(Sun) 今日は母と姉の誕生日です(*^-^*)いつも母に送っていたフライパンは今回はいらないと言われ、姉にもいいプレゼントが思い浮かばなかったので、一時帰国できた時にご飯をごちそうしようと思います(*'▽') お誕生日おめでとう~(^O^)♬ わた…

Delivery dinner

2020.5.16(Sat) I slept in until 8 this morning. hihi Even though I had to start work at 10, I managed to have a lesson prior to work. Today's teacher was a Japanese guy and he spoke fantastic English:D I really admired him and he actually …

Zoom drink again

2020.5.15(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Moo didn't want to go walking, but I took him to the riverside and we ended up enjoying the walk:) After he started working, I went shopping and had some drinks for tonight's zoom drink …


2020.5.14(木) 今日はいつも通りに起き、朝のルーティンを済ませてからソファに横たわってたら寝ていました( ̄▽ ̄)昨日はむーで今日は私。ソファ、ないほうがいいか?(;^ω^) 授業は2時からの予定だったので朝からカレーを仕込んでいましたが、2時の子は…

Fingers crossed

2020.5.13(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and went for a walk. But it started to drizzle and we had to come home in the middle. Moo looked happy as he didn't want to walk a lot. Hihihi He started work at 9 and I went to quite far…

Ahhhh, busy work:O

2020.5.12(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning and had a morning routine as usual. Recently, Moo doesn't feel like going for a walk, so I take him out and make him walk. hahaha After that, each of us had a conversation lesson and he started wo…

おうちでフライパン焼肉( ̄▽ ̄)

2020.5.11(月) 明日はいばっちの誕生日だな~と思うあたり、自分の中で彼の存在はいつまで経っても大きいんだなと実感しますね(笑)いばっち、1日早いけどおめでとう(笑) 昨日の夜、少し遅くにコーヒーを飲んだせいでなかなか寝られず、今日は朝起きるのがと…

Happy mother's day:)

2020.5.10(Sun) I was woken up at 7:30 this morning by Moo. After having good breakfast, we went for a walk as usual. Moo brought some food for the street baby cat but it didn't show up today unfortunately. We came home and studied in the m…

Nice weather:)

2020.5.9(Sat) I woke up at 7:10 this morning and started work at 10am. I was supposed to give four lessons today, but one of my students forgot the lesson and I was just waiting for her to come for an hour...ha ha ha Although I wasn't moti…


2020.5.8(金) 今日は朝起きたら雨が降っていたのですが、朝ご飯を食べ終わると雨が止んでいたので、ねむいむーを引っ張って散歩に出かけました。雨上がりの外は空気がひんやりしてとってもいい気持ち(*^-^*)行けて良かった~♬ 帰ってくるとかなりの体調不…

Another public holiday

2020.5.7(Thu) We had a public holiday again today:) I woke up at 7:30 and we only had an apple for breakfast. After that we did grocery shopping as the first thing in the morning and it was a really good decision:) There were only few peop…

First sushi here ever:D

2020.5.6(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning and it was raining again:( We couldn't go for a walk, so I had two conversation lessons in a row. I wanted to stay awake, but I couldn't keep awake and enjoyed staying on the sofa. hihi Since I did…


2020.5.5(火) 今日は6時に起き、久しぶりに朝ウォーキングに行けました(^O^)最近、白と黒模様のねこちゃんがいて、むーが毎朝ねこちゃんを見るたびに「あ、また食べ物持ってきてあげるの忘れてた~」と言っています(;^ω^)いつになったら覚えてて持って…


2020.5.4(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Unfortunately, it was raining when I woke up, so we had to give up going for a morning walk. Recently the weather hasn't been nice, which prevents us from the routine walk:( Since today w…

Another great weekend:)

2020.5.3(Sun) Today Moo woke me up at 7:30. He had woken up at 6:40 and done some things. I made pizza for breakfast and it was really good:) I didn't think that would be so easy and good. Moo really liked it, so we'll have it more often:)…


2020.5.2(土) 気が付けば時すでに5月。日本は一番いい季節に何もできなくてとても歯がゆい思いをしている方がたくさんいることと思います。 こちらは、普段だと今が1年で一番暑い時期なのですが、ここ数日はかなり天気が不安定で、毎日おそろしいほどの雷…