


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

2020.11.30(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After sending Moo off, I did the laundry, had conversation lessons and studied outside. Things went well in the morning. I had rice with yukari for lunch and went out to sell my old …

Feels like having a trip:)

2020.11.29(Sun) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as I had a wierd dream again. ha ha ha Wondering if my family members are doing well in Japan and the US. Hope everything goes well. After having breakfast with Moo, we went outside to study f…


2020.11.28(土) 今日は7時20分ごろに起きて、洗濯を干してから仕事に出かけられました。2時間の仕事はあっという間に終わったものの、帰りに食べたいものがなかなか見つからず、モールの中を散歩するという有意義とは言えない時間の過ごし方をしましたが…

Bye to the stock

2020.11.27(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After making Moo's lunch, I still had time and energy, so I decided to go for a walk:) It was a bit hotter than I thought, I was glad that I did it as the first thing in the morning.…

Being by myself all day long

2020.11.26(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and sent Moo off. He said he would go for a drink and I wouldn't have to prepare dinner. Since today was my day off, I got a totally free day all day long by myself! After doing the l…


2020.11.25(水) 今日はむーが在宅勤務だったため、朝かなり寝坊させてもらって7時前まで寝ていました(^O^)わーい♪ 午前中は昨日サボった掃除や英会話、日記を書いたりしてたらあっという間に時間が過ぎました(;^ω^) お昼を済ませ、テレビの前に敷いた…

What made me feel so heavy?

2020.11.24(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After seeing Moo off, I felt very tired and didn't want to do anything at all:( I was like a totally different person from I was yesterday. I managed to finish the laundry, I spent most of th…


2020.11.23(月) 今日は6時過ぎに起き、9時前に家を出るために英会話はお休み。でも昨日サボった筋トレだけして定期検診のため病院へ。貧血でお薬出されましたが、おちびは元気にすくすくお腹の中で育っていて一安心(*^-^*)もう200gだなんて、とって…

Thank you for being here for two years

2020.11.22(Sun) I woke up at 6:30 because of a nightmare I had:( In the dream, I forgot a part of my karate performance during the competition and failed to go to the next tournament. Even though it's been more than 10 years since I had th…

No napping day for one week in a row:D

2020.11.21(Sat) Last night I went to bed after 1am, which was so rare in these days and I fell asleep while playing the game:O I must have been very exhausted. Even though Moo went to bed later than me, he woke up earlier and woke me up ar…

Great Friday night after a happening

2020.11.20(Fri) I woke up at 6:15 this morning as usual. After seeing him off, I had so many things to have friends over tonight. I cleaned the house more carefully than usual and went to a grocery store to buy some ingredients. Things wen…


2020.11.19(木) 今日は窃盗団にカバンを盗まれるというとても変な夢を見たので朝から疲れました(;^ω^)でも今日はお友達とランチ、お昼からは買い出しをして夜むーと明日の準備をする予定があったので、朝から英会話と仕事の準備をすませました(^O^) ラ…

It's been successful:)

2020.11.18(Wed) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. After sending Moo off, I went to the pool side to read and play the game:) It wasn't cold or hot, so I enjoyed staying there so much and 1 hour passed very quickly. After having converation l…

So much different from last month:)

2020.11.17(Tue) Today's my dad's 66th birthday! Happy birthday Dad:) Hope you are healthy and happy with having grandchildren around you. I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. Since Moo left home 1 hour later than usual, my day started …


2020.11.16(月) 昨日も11時に寝たのですが、朝はいつもの時間までぐっすり(;^ω^)夢の中で好きだった野球選手に会えてなかなかラッキーでした( ̄▽ ̄)←しかも好きだった頃のカッコよさ健在で(笑) むーを見送った後、家事を済ませてからの2択。1つはいつ…

Getting ready:D Yay

2020.11.15(Sun) We woke up around 7:30 even though we went to bed 10pm last night:D Thanks to the long night sleep, I didn't have to take a nap the whole day:) We had another big breakfast this morning and had conversation lessons later on…

Big difference

2020.11.14(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and made a big breakfast:) I made pancake from scratch, cooked egg and sausages, and cut some veggies. Moo was very happy to have them as we normally have very plain breakfast. Since I didn't …

久々のディナー\( ˆoˆ )/

2020.11.13(金) 今日はいつもどおりに起き、むーを見送り、英会話をし、それからゴロゴロしました( ̄▽ ̄)洗濯をする日はやることが多いので気合が入るのですが、洗濯がないとどうしても身体はお休みモードd(・∀・`*)しかも魔のソファに横たわってしまい、、(…

Nice seeing you again:)

2020.11.12(Thu) I woke up at 6:15 this morning and cooked fried rice for Moo's lunch. A few days ago I watched a Youtube video in which a very famous Youtuber made nice fried rice. I mimicked what he did and my fried rice didn't get sticky…

First time Coco壱 :)

2020.11.11(Wed) It's Pocky's day:) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. Moo managed to start his English lesson, so my early getting-up paid off:) I also had a conversation lesson and sent him off. Since Moo and I made a plan to go for a dinner…


2020.11.10(火) 今日はむーのお弁当がいらなかったので少しだけ寝坊して6時20分に起きました(^O^)せっかくまた早く起きたのに、むーは二度寝ですっかり寝坊し英会話は間に合わず、私の早起きは無駄起きヽ(`Д´)ノプン それならゆっくり寝てたいのに~。 今…

A very usual Monday

2020.11.9(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After seeing Moo off, I had two conversation lessons and spent some time on reading for an hour. It's really nice to have a place where I can relax:) After that I went to a shopping m…

Made a day productive:)

2020.11.8(Sun) I was woken up at 7:30 this morning. I asked Moo to cook fried egg and we had a nice breakfast:) After that I did the laundry, had a conversation lesson and enjoyed reading at the pool side for an hour:) It was such a great …


2010.11.7(土) 今日は仕事が11時からかつ洗濯物もなかったのでゆっくり寝ようと思っていたのに、むーに7時に起こされました(T_T)昨日寝るの遅かったのに、お休みの日は嬉しくて早く起きるむー。先に作ってくれたらいいのにそれはわたしの仕事なんですよね…

Happy Friday

2020.11.6(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 as usual this morning and had the morning routine. Again I tried not to sleep on the sofa and so I kept away from the sofa in the morning. It worked well today as well:) Yay! Even though I had a short nap a…

Staying away from the sofa

2020.11.5(Thu) I slept in until 6:40 this morning as Moo didn't have to go to work:) We had natto rice for breakfast and that was so good... hihi Both of us had a conversation lesson at the same time and he started work. I had another less…


2020.11.4(水) 今日は6時10分に起きていつもどおりの朝を過ごしました。「夢をかなえるゾウ」の著者である水野敬也が書いた「四つ話のクローバー」というのを読んで朝からほっこり(^^*)3日ほどで読み終えたので内容はガネーシャほど濃くありませんが…

Difficult to handle

2020.11.3(Tue) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. As I didn't have to do the laundry this morning, I had two conversation lessons and did some preparation for the math class. While I was reading a book on the sofa, I found an interesting show…

Bye to a favorite app:(

2020.11.2(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and had routines in the morning. As I was a bit too active, I felt tired and took a nap before lunch. After having lunch, I had another short nap and went to the shopping mall to see o…


2020.11.1(日) 今日は7時すぎに目が覚め、朝からむーと新しいドンキができたほうへお出かけしました(^O^)少し早めについたので近くをお散歩することに。そのエリアはめちゃくちゃ高級リゾートみたいなところでたくさんヨットがあり、コンドもリゾートホテ…