

It's been successful:)


I woke up at 6:15 this morning. After sending Moo off, I went to the pool side to read and play the game:) It wasn't cold or hot, so I enjoyed staying there so much and 1 hour passed very quickly. After having converation lessons, I did the house chore and it was already lunch time. 

Although I felt very sleepy around 2pm, I avoided being on the sofa, so I managed to stay awake and cooked dinner before going to work:) phew  It's been successful in being active during the day for one week now! Yay

At work, there was a trial student and it was good to have have her since she was such a great student. I hope she liked the class:)

Moo and I came home together and had very early dinner. Then I went for a walk for half and hour and Moo went to the gym. What a healthy couple we are...:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)