


Spent time on what I like

2020.1.31(Fri) Today was Moo's birthday:) He turned 27 years old:D Still very young cute guy:) hihi Although I wanted to celebrate his birthday with my cooked dinner, he got a drink session with his colleagues. So we celebrated earlier thi…

Usual Thursday

2020.1.30(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I was very surprised to hear Moo saying something very clearly while he was sleeping. hahaha I asked him if he remembered it and he said yes. hahahahaha He was responding to attendance i…

Birthday dinner:)

2020.1.29(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. I was really sleepy this morning as I hadn't woken up that early for the past few days. After sending him off, I slept until 10 and finally felt refreshed. After that I got ready to go out and we…

Last day of CNY holiday

2020.1.28(Tue) I slept in until 8am:) Moo woke up at 7:30 but didn't wake me up, so I slept longer. We had big breakfast and we enjoyed relaxing at home. I played Pokemon for a while and made lunch. Time went by quite fast. While I was rel…

国内でステイケーション♫ 2日目

2020.1.27(月) 今日は6時半に起き、お化粧はせずにお着替えだけして朝のお散歩へ♬昨日は行けなかった方へ歩いていくと、とても素敵な橋があり、なかなか多くの人がお散歩していました(*^-^*) 立派なクルーズ船が到着するところを見られました♬ 橋はこんな…

国内でステイケーション♫ 1日目

2020.1.26(日) こちらはチャイニーズニューイヤー(旧正月)でむーが火曜日までお休みなため、海外に行かず、国内のホテルでゆっくりステイケーションすることにしました♬ でもその前に朝はジムとお勉強、そしておうちでお昼ご飯にみそ煮込みうどん(笑)まじ…

Chinese New Year Holiday Day1

2020.1.25(Sat) I woke up at 8 this morning. Moo woke up first and he asked me to wake up and cook breakfast. Since I didn't have to go to work nor go to the exercise, I made big breakfast for us:) It was a big portion and we got quite sati…

Very sad, but can't help it:(

2020.1.24(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After sending him off, I enjoyed reading and also took a nap for a while. It wasn't a long nap, but I felt very refreshed:) I got ready to go out and went to a shopping mall. First I wro…


2020.1.23(木) 昨日、むーは待てど暮らせど帰ってこず、1時を過ぎたところでフライトステイタスを見たら、もともと着く予定が0:40だったのが1:30に変更になっていましたΣ( ̄ロ ̄lll)ガーン 結局帰ってきたのは2時過ぎ、そしてお布団にいったのが3時…

It's been a while

2020.1.22(Wed) Today's Icchan's birthday:D Happy 2nd birthday Icchan:) Hope you'll have a happy year xoxo Last night I stayed up late until 1, so I woke up at 8 this morning. I took a conversation lesson and did housework. I also prepared …

Sleeping in makes a day short

2020.1.21(Tue) I woke up at 8:40 this morning:O I had many things to do before going out, but I realized that I wouldn't have enough time to do everything. Woo, sleeping in sometimes makes a day really short. I did the laundry, had a conve…


2020.1.20(月) 今日はむーがいないことをいいことに、朝8時半までゆっくり寝ていました(^O^)昨日の夜食べ過ぎたので今日は夜まで軽くしよ~と思い、朝はりんご1つだけ。シャワーを浴びてすっきりした後、家の掃除だけして10時過ぎに家を出発。今日はや…

A perfect Sunday:)

2020.1.19(Sun) I woke up at 6:30 this morning as Moo was going to the airport in the morning. But seemed like we woke up too early and had much time before leaving. We enjoyed Terrace House and I saw him off. After that I went to the exerc…

A very active Saturday

2010.1.18(Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning. I went to work to teach for three hours and took a taxi to get home. Although I wanted to leave work earlier, I had to take care of students for another 15 minutes. I popped into the cab but didn…

A nice Friday:)

2010.1.17(Fri) It's been 25 years since Hanshin Awaji Earthquake happened. I was only 3 years old when that occured, so I don't have any memories. People who affected by the disaster still have scar in their heart. We all need to help and …

Having a stomachache...:(

2010.1.16(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning. Even though we went to bed a little bit late, it was quite easy to get up:) Yay But I suffered from a stomachache, maybe because of yesterday's full of garlic dishes... They tasted great; however…


2020.1.15(水) 今日もいつもどおり6時に起き、洗濯してむーを見送り朝の気持ちいい2度寝(*^-^*)最近気温が結構低くて湿気も少ないため、最高に快適な朝寝ができています♬なんとぜいたくなことでしょう(^O^)起きるとすっきりしてやる気がわいてくるの…

Went back to work:)

2020.1.14(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and sent him off at 8. Although I was enjoying reading, I started to feel sleepy and fell asleep.hihi That's getting one of my favorite time...Nice breezing and cool temperature make me r…

Staying home all day

2020.1.13(Mon) Because we had some drink last night, it was really hard for me to wake up at 6:O So, after having breakfast with Moo, we went back to sleep and I prepared his lunch after that. After sending him off, I again went back to sl…

Another relaxing day

2020.1.12(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning whereas Moo woke up at 6. OMG He was awake at that time and started reading and having a conversation lesson. He's been hyper recently. After having breakfast, I went to the exercise lesson as usu…


2019.1.11(土) 今日は仕事のない土曜日だったので、むーは7時半に起きていましたが私は8時半まで寝ていました(^O^)わーい ゆっくり朝を過ごし、美容院に出かけるむーを見送った後はゆっくりポケモンをして楽しみました(*^-^*)やっぱりはまっちゃうもん…

Felt so welcomed:)

2020.1.10(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I'd been lazy in the morning for the past few days, but I had to do the laundry and leave home at 9, so I had to take action quickly. Today I joined a walking meetup. This is what I used…

Spending time on Pokemon...:O

2020.1.9(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and sent him off. Then I went back to sleep and woke up around 11. ha ha ha But I forgave myself since it's still during my holiday:) After the nap, I felt very good and wrote letters to s…

Back to normal life

2020.1.8(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. It had been a while since I last woke up that early. I managed to wake up, prepared breakfast and his lunch. Since he left home earlier this morning, I went back to sleep and woke up at 9:30. Ther…

お正月帰省♬ 8日目

2020.1.7(火) 最終日は鎌田のホテルで6時半に起床。計30kgの荷物を持ち、電車で空港に向かいました。たった徒歩10分の駅まででも、重くてそれだけでもうクタクタ(;´д`)タクシーで行きたい気持ちもありましたが、高いからあきらめました(どこまで節…

お正月帰省♫ 7日目

2020.1.6(Mon) この日は実家を出て家族とお別れ。母とのハグも少し恒例になってきたような気がします。←恋しい様子が伝わってきます(照) むーとは新幹線乗り場の自分たちの車両の前で会うという超現地集合(笑)無事に合流でき、心配していた荷物もきちんと…

お正月帰省♬ 6日目

2020.1.5(日) この日も朝はゆっくり8時頃に起き、サンデーモーニングを見ながらの大好きな朝ご飯の時間(*^-^*)朝から鮭を焼いてもらってしっかり食べられてハッピーでした♬ お昼に親友とおしゃれなカフェでランチ(^O^)彼女だけは帰国のたびに必ず会って…

お正月帰省♬ 5日目

2020.1.4(土) 自分の備忘録なのに、書くのをすっかり忘れていました( ̄▽ ̄)←今日は1月21日 さて、この日は朝8時頃に起きて、旅サラダを見ながら両親とゆっくり朝ご飯を食べるという、独身時代の朝の過ごし方でとても懐かしい気持ちになりました(^O^) …

お正月帰省♬ 4日目

2020.1.3(金) この日は朝7時半には起きる予定だったのに結局おふとんが気持ちよくて出られず、8時過ぎまでころころしていました(^O^)朝ご飯に卵ご飯をいただき、むーと近くのアピタへ出かけました。買い出ししてむーの眼鏡屋さんに行ったら、そこがすご…

お正月帰省♬ 3日目

2020.1.2(木) この日は朝8時前に起きてお出かけの準備をして、まずは名古屋へ。恐ろしいほど人がいて、そしてそこでお土産を買うということですでに私は疲れました( ̄▽ ̄;)が、むーは会社の人にたくさんお土産をゲットして満足そうでした(^O^)なごやんに…