


Worked a bit too hard?

2020.7.31(Fri) I woke up at 6:50 this morning. Moo and I went for a walk at a famous reservior. There was a big dark cloud and we were worried about having some rain. Although at first it was fine, it started raining and we had to have a u…


2020.7.30(木) 明日は祝日ということで、朝からむーも私もどこか心の中は小躍り状態( ̄▽ ̄) 私は朝3時間、昼から4時間ぶっ通しの授業で忙しかったですが、楽しく過ごせたのでOKでした(*^^*)これでも1時間少なかったので早めに終われ、帰りにローカルの…

Zero motivation

2020.7.29(Wed) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Well, it's been difficult to wake up on time:( Because of the oversleep, I got lazy and didn't do anything before going to work. I gave three lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afte…

A nice work day

2020.7.28(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning. I was thinking about oversleeping, but ended up waking up as usual. Since I don't have the early class this week, I've been quite lazy and slacking off walking or English lessons. ha ha ha I have…


2020.7.27(月) 今日は6時にきちんと起きられたのですが、今週は朝いちの授業がないためゆっくりすぐ時間ができ、むーを送ってから40分も二度寝してしまいました( ̄▽ ̄)久々の二度寝、気持ち良かった~(*^-^*) 仕事は午前中3時間だけだったのでそんなに…

Great ways to spend time and money

2020.7.26(Sun) I woke up at 7:40 this morning. Moo and I took a train and went to the shopping mall which is located 20km away:O It took us more than one hour to get there, so I was already tired when we arrived at the nearest station. Bef…

Well, that happens

2020.7.25(Sat) I woke up at 7:20 this morning and went to work. After working for two hours, I did grocery shopping and came home at 1:40. Then I gave another lesson online and relaxed for a while just lying on the sofa and reading. Since …


2020.7.24(金) 毎日同じような日々で、気づけば7月も24日。あっという間に過ぎてきています。 今日は朝起きれずに6時半に起きて、むーのお弁当の準備と洗濯をしたらもう家を出る時間でした(汗)朝の20分は本当に大きいですね。。。とほほ 仕事はいつ…

Plans changed

2020.7.23(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Since it was raining and quite cool, I overslept with having a very weird dream. hihi I cooked lunch and didn't have time to have a conversation lesson or a walk. It's getting late to leave fo…


2020.7.22(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. I was able to both have a conversation lesson and do the laundry, so it was a productive morning. I worked 6 hours today. There was some bad news about one of my students. Well, I wasn't good eno…


2020.7.21(火) 今日は6時過ぎにちゃんと起きることができ、お弁当もさっさと準備できたので、朝からお散歩と英会話両方してから仕事に行けました♬ 午前の授業はいつもよりもちょっとまったり時間が過ぎたおかげで全然疲れず、お昼からも2時間だけだったの…

Hot day

2020.7.20(Mon) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Since I had to cook Moo's lunch and do the laundry, I couldn't get the time for walking or having a conversation lesson. Time went by very fast. I left home at 8:30 and went to work to give le…

Sushi evening:D

2020.7.19(Sun) I woke up at 6:40 this morning as the living room was already up. Moo was taking a shower because his back was too ichy and couldn't stand it. Looking at his back, I found so many mosquito-like bites and they looked very ich…

Big happy lunch:)

2020.7.18(Sat) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. Moo threw up many times around 4am, that made me feel very worried about him:( I always hate hearing people vomit:(:(:( I had a conversation lesson, did the laundry and went to work. I gave th…


2020.7.17(金) 今日はぐずぐずと6時40分まで寝てしまい、その後お弁当のオムライスだけ2人分作ってお散歩もちょうどいい時間でした。今週は1回も朝お散歩に行けなくてちょっと残念。朝8時20分に家を出るとなると、全部やりたいことはできませんね。 …

Long day at work

2020.7.15(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning and went to work as usual. Finally my students are getting used to my class and they talk to me more than before, which makes me quite happy:) Thanks to that, I enjoyed teaching them in the mornin…

So stupid...

2020.7.15(Wed) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Since Moo was going to work from home, I didn't have to wake up that early. I had a conversation lesson and went to work. I worked for 7 hours and finished my work with no problem. But when I …


2020.7.14(火) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起きましたが、洗濯があったのでお散歩はできず。英会話はきちんとしたのですが、あっという間に出勤の時間となってしまいました。 最近はパートといえど、9時出勤18時終わりの日が多く、たくさん働かせてもらって…

Well, it's human

2020.7.13(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I went to bed before 11pm, it wasn't difficult to wake up this morning. It's really good to have enough sleep when we are busy. I went to work at 9 and gave four lessons in the morning. …

New park:)

2020.7.12(Sun) We woke up at 7 and went to a little bit far place by train. We had a chore there, so before doing it, we went for a walk in a park. The park was along the ocean and it was very nice to walk. Of course we saw many people wal…


2020.7.11(Sat) 今日は7時すぎに起きて、仕事前に散歩も英会話もできていいスタート(^O^) 1時間だけ仕事したらあとは自由~!と思っていたのに、まさかの突如授業が入り仕事へ行きました。でも今日で最後の授業だった子がいたから、お別れの挨拶ができた…

Super productive day:)

2020.7.10(Fri) Since it was a national holiday, both Moo and I didn't have work:) Yay We woke up around 7 and started our holiday with natto gohan and a conversation lesson. After that we went grocery shopping and bought ingredients for to…


2020.7.9(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Since we went to bed very early last night, it was very easy to wake up:) It's really necessary to have enough good sleep. I went to work before 10 and worked until 8 with a 2-hour break.…


2020.7.8(水) 今日は6時に起きて、お散歩はせずに英会話にしました。最近毎日喋っていないからか、やっぱり言いたいことがスラスラ言えなかったり、変な文法になっている気が…言葉は使い続けないと忘れちゃいますね"(-""-)" 9時に家を出て6時まで仕事して…

Like a full-time worker:)

2020.7.7(Tue) I woke up at 6 as usual this morning. I prepared lunch, went for a walk and had a conversation lesson:) Yay! I realized that it would be quite possible to do many things before work. So I started work from 9:30 to 18:00. Ther…

Had a productive day:)

2020.7.6(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. Since I had done the laundry last night, I had a lot of time in the morning:) Yay I was able to both go for a walk and have a conversation lesson:D I gave only three lessons in the morning and wen…


2020.7.5(日) 今日で今の会社で働き始めてちょうど2年でした。今日はお休みでしたが、こうして問題なく2年働かせてもらえたことに感謝し、毎日スキルアップしてよりよい授業ができるようになりたいと思います(^O^) さて、今日は7時に起きて、また朝から…

Super dinner

2020.7.4(Sat) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. I went to work and gave two classes in the morning. It felt very short since I've had more than five classes every day. I came home before 1pm, waited for my online student to come, but he didn…

Good Friday and welcome:)

2020.7.3(Fri) I've just realized that I hadn't written yesterday's diary. I have to make up for it. Anyway, I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I had a very weird dream and had no idea why I'd had such a strange one.... ha ha ha Since I didn't…


2020.7.2(木) 日記を書き忘れていたので、翌日3日に書いています。 昨日は少し寝坊してから起き、洗濯も回してから仕事へ。むーが在宅勤務だったのでお洗濯もいっぱい手伝ってくれて助かりました。 仕事は午前中4時間ほど働いて、夕方の授業が6時からだっ…