

Good Friday and welcome:)


I've just realized that I hadn't written yesterday's diary. I have to make up for it.

Anyway, I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I had a very weird dream and had no idea why I'd had such a strange one.... ha ha ha 

Since I didn't have to do the laundry, there was enough time to have a conversation lesson, which made me feel a little relaxed. I had a nice talk with a teacher for today.

I went to work and worked until 7pm. I was quite busy, but had a very productive day.

Moo went for a drink with his colleagues, so I went for a dinner by myself. After thinking about what to eat, I chose Saba set. That was much better than I had expected:D I enjoyed being alone and doing some shopping. I had some time to have a cup of coffee at McDonald's and came home at 9. That was a fun night:):):)

Then I collected my parcel from Japan, which contained a super expensive soap for my own birthday present:D


I've used it before and it went very well with my skin:D Since the last one was too tiny, I bought a big one. Hope it can last for more than half a year...:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)