



2019.11.30(土) 昨日、むーが帰ってくるまで起きて待っていようと思っていたのですが、待てど暮らせど帰ってこず…あきらめて寝室に戻ろうとしたその時、ちょうど帰ってきました。2時40分(遅)かなり酔っていて、朝起きたらひどい2日酔い(..)会社の先…


2019.11.29(金) 今日はいつも通りに起き、2人で2度寝してからお弁当の準備(;^ω^)のどの調子が悪いため今週は英会話をお休みしているのですが、そのせいで(?)むーもいろいろとさぼっています(笑)ま、いつも頑張ってるからたまにはいいよね(^O^) …


2019.11.28(木) 今日は朝からむーのお弁当のチャーハンを炒め、朝は最近の中では結構起きていられました(*^-^)両親の旅行、そういえば今日じゃなかったっけ?と思い出し、姉に連絡を入れたところ、もう帰ってきているとのこと。ビデオ電話がかかってきた…


2019.11.27(水) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起き、むーを見送った後は二度寝してすっきり(^O^)お薬の影響か、飲んで2時間後くらいに「おねむりなさい」といわんばかりに非常にいい感じで眠くなってきます。。。今もちょうどそんな感じですぐにでも寝れそう…


2019.11.26(火) 今日も朝はいつも通りに起きれたので、朝ご飯とお弁当を準備し、英会話はお休みしてむーと一緒に家を出て病院に向かいました。 朝起きたとき、顔の腫れが少し引いていることを願っていたのですがあまり変化はなかったので、仕方なく朝一の病…


2019.11.25(月) 今日は6時にいつもどおり起きられたので、朝ご飯とむーのお弁当を準備してからもう1度寝て、お見送りをすませてからはベッドに戻り安静にしていました。 お昼になり、ご飯を食べることにしたのですが、自分の顔をトイレの鏡で見たらパン…

発熱( ˙-˙ )

2019.11.24(日) 昨日の夜、むーが帰ってきて2人でゆっくりしていたのですが、なんだか急にのどの痛みが、、、 こりゃいかんと思い、急いでシャワーを浴びてすぐにお布団に行ったのですが、時すでに遅し。熱はぐんぐん上がり、風邪の時にいつも起こる、寝たい…


2019.11.23(土) 今日は少し遅めに起きて午前中の仕事へ。といっても今日はお休みの生徒が多くて私は授業が1時間だけでした(;^ω^)早く帰ってこれたのでいつもより早くお昼ご飯。むーは私の作る野菜たっぷりのサッポロ一番のラーメンが大好きなので、今…


I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I had a super non-productive morning and afternoon, so I felt quite bad about myself. Well, it's not good to stay at home all the time before work. I went to work to give two lessons and went to watch …

Welcome to our school

2019.11.21(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although I went to bed before 2am, I managed to wake up and prepared breakfast and his lunch. It was also good that I had a conversation lesson as usual. After seeing him off, I did the…


2019.11.20(木) 今日はむーのお弁当を準備しなくてよかったので6時半まで寝ていたのですが、そしたら睡眠リズムが崩れていつもより起きづらい朝になってしまいました(;^ω^)そりゃ2年間平日は毎日6時に起きていたら、体はそのリズムに合いますよね。お…

If you are active enough

2019.11.19(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning and did the routine job as usual. After seeing him off, I did housework and baked cookies for snack:) The reason why I made them is I have quite a lot of condensed milk in a can and want to use t…

How to spend Monday

2019.11.18(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. I had a dream about the man who used to be my boss at the department and become the president of the company I'd worked. That was a quite interesting and it was good to see him in the dream:) Af…


2019.11.17(日) 父65歳の誕生日(^O^)おめでとう~ 今日は7時すぎに起きていつもどおりズンバのレッスンに行った後、英会話に行かずに家でゆっくり過ごすことにしました。でもちょっとしたことでむーとケンカしてしまい、しばらく嫌な感じ"(-""-)"結局は…

Fun BBQ:)

2019.11.16(Sat) I woke up at 7 with crying. I had a really sad dream about Moo and shouted in the dream. When I woke up, I was also crying and he noticed it and comforted me... I was very tired but I felt better thanks to him. But he was s…

Friday is over:)

2019.11.15(Fri) I slept in until 6:10 this morning. After seeing him off, I did the laundry and had a conversation lesson. I was glad that I was able to have a lesson with one of my favorite teachers:) Since she spoke quite fast, I had to …


2019.11.14(木) 今日はのんびり、朝2度寝してから掃除とジムをすませました(^O^)最近はジムに行くと15分くらいは走るようにしていて、それが結構気持ちよかったりします。続くといいんですけどね…(;^ω^) お昼を食べ、いつもより1時間早く出勤する…

Inspire each other

2019.11.13(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After sending him off, I did some housework and enjoyed reading. It's getting one of my habits, which makes me feel good:) Since it was not too hot in the morning, it was a great timing…

Taking time

2019.11.12(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual but I was very sleepy:( After I sent him off, I started reading. Suprisingly, I fell asleep without reading even one page...ha ha ha I slept until 10:30, which made me feel very good:) A…


2019.11.11(月) 今日もいつもどおり6時に起きました(^O^) が、いつもの英会話がサーバーエラーでできず、8時半ごろにようやくできました。いつもちゃんと動いてくれるのが当たり前だと思ってしまいますが、日々感謝しないといけませんね。(冷蔵庫冷えな…

Nice Sunday

2019.11.10(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning and went to the ZUMBA lesson as usual. The weather was good and I enjoyed dancing with aunties:) Moo and I went to the English meetup and I got to talk to people from several countries. We had…

Turned to be a good day:)

2019.11.9(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and went to work. Moo and I were supposed to have lunch with one of our local friends, but he canceled at the last minute. I was thinking of going back home but Moo suggested going alone. Then …


2019.11.8(金) 今日もいつもどおりの朝でしたが、早くお弁当の準備が終わりすぎて英会話のレッスンまでソファで座っていたら眠くなり、そのまま寝ることにして(笑)、英会話はむーが会社に行ってからやりました。 最近むーは3年続けたレアジョブ英会話から…

Had a productive day

2019.11.7(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although Moo didn't have a conversation lesson this morning, I did as usual, then I had plenty of free time in the morning:) I spent on reading, some sleep and a little bit of work. Rece…

Spending much time on reading

2019.11.6(Wed) I woke up at 6 as usual. Fortunately Moo wasn't drunk when he came home last night, so I slept with relief:) He didn't have hangover as well and went to work in a good mood. Phew I did housework, did exercise and read some b…


2019.11.5(火) 今日もいつも通り6時に起きてむーを見送り、床の雑巾がけと洗濯をしてひと休み。 珍しく朝のうちに2回目の英会話をしてかなり充実した朝(*^-^*) お昼からはソファで転がりながらkindleで本を読み、眠くなったらそのまま寝るという最高に幸…

Welcome to our living room:)

2019.11.4(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and left home with Moo. I went grocery shopping at a local vegetable shop and went to a soya milk stall. Although I had wanted to have the good soya milk for a long time, it was closed to…

Having no coffee table in the living room

2019.11.3(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning and went to the ZUMBA lesson as usual. Since the weather wasn't too hot, it was really good doing exercise outside with feeling good breeze. It felt time went by so fast:) Moo and I went to the…



November has started!

2019.11.1(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and cleaned the balcony for the first time in a while. It was really dirty with dirt, so I got so refreshed after cleaning it up:) Today I was a bit more active than yesterday, so I did h…