

Having no coffee table in the living room


I woke up at 7:20 this morning and went to the ZUMBA lesson as usual.

Since the weather wasn't too hot, it was really good doing exercise outside with feeling good breeze. It felt time went by so fast:)

Moo and I went to the English meetup and I joined a group which consisted with some Singaporean, Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese. I tried to provide questions so that the members could have discussion. The man next to me was Japanese and he was knowledgable about history, so it was great to listen to what he was talking.

After the meetup, we went for a lunch at SUBWAY and Moo went to the futsul game. I came straight home to do some housework and have a conversation lesson. Moo came home at 5:30 and we had early dinner at home. We watched QUEER EYE episode 2 today, which was as good as episode 1. 

When I finished all the washing up and was about to have some wine, I realized that we didn't have a bottle opener:( He told me that it'd got broken at the BBQ and he'd threw it away at that time.... I was very disappointed and lost motivation at all. But there was so much free time in the evening, I cleaned the TV rack and discarded some unnecessary items. That made me feel quite good and I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Now that we have done everything, it's better to go to bed earlier as we'll start a new week tomorrow.


See you tomorrow and have a good night:)