


The last day of work and company dinner

2020.12.30(Wed) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. I prepared the last lunchbox for Moo and sent him off as usual. Then I had a conversation lesson and went to work. Today's work was the last in 2020. Students did very well:) One of them told…

Online reunion

2020.12.29(Tue) I woke up at 6:30 this morning:) phew I didn't oversleep, so I was able to have a conversation lesson as usual before going to work. Today's work was the same as yesterday:) It went smoothly and I didn't have problems. Hope…


2020.12.28(月) 今日はきちんと6時10分に起きることができ、洗濯も英会話も済ませてから仕事に行くことができました♬3時間しっかり働き、帰ってから残り物を寄せ集めて食べ、少し授業の予習をしてから休憩。そしたら5時半ごろにむーから「今日はもう現…

Taking a rest for body

2020.12.27(Sun) I woke up around 7:30, but we ended up getting up around 8:30 as Moo wanted to lie on the bed for a long time. After having breakfast with salsa sauce and guacamole, we took conversation lessons as usual and I cleaned the k…

Working together to clean up the whole house

2020.12.26(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Moo had a hard time waking up and we ended up leaving the bed around 8am. In the morning, he studied and updated his resume for a recruitment company. Although he doesn't have to do it right …


2020.12.25(金) 今日はクリスマス私の住んでいるこちらの国では、今日は祝日でした(*'▽')初めて二人とも体調が万全で迎えるクリスマス(笑) 7時半ごろに起きて朝からサンドイッチを作り、のんびりした時間を午前を過ごしました(*^-^*)お昼も残り物でパスタ…

Comfort food

2020.12.24(Thu) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. After sending Moo off, I had a conversation lesson and left for work at 9:40. Today's work was a bit harder than the past few days. I understand that students were also quite tired as they to…

Another farewell dinner

2020.12.24(Wed) I woke up at 8 this morning as I couldn't wake up... Since Moo was going to work from home, my body just wanted to sleep as long as possible. I didn't have to do the laundry, so I was able to go to work as usual:) phew Toda…


2020.12.22(火) もう12月も下旬ですね( ;∀;)今年は年末年始に帰国できないため、むーと初めてこちらで年越しをするのですが、全然年末感がなくて変な感じがします(;^ω^) さてさて、今日はいつも通りに起きたものの、2人のお弁当(しかもハンバーグを…

Chirstmas shopping

2020.12.21(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After sending him off, I had a conversation lesson and got ready to go to school. I started helping a winter program in the morning. This week I give three classes in the morning and…

Chirstmas reunion online:)

2020.12.20(Sun) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After hacing breakfast, we had conversation lessons and did the laundry. Time almost ran out, but I managed to start having a reunion with two of my college friends. One of them is now in Can…


2020.12.19(土) 今日は7時半に起きてのんびり朝を過ごし、お昼前に出かけて皮膚科帰りのむーとハンバーガー屋さんで待ち合わせしました(^O^)ファストフードではなくてちゃんとしたハンバーガーで、とってもおいしくいただきました♬(後で胸焼けしたのは年…

Goodbye till we meet again

2020.12.18(Fri) I woke up at 6:30 this morning as we went to bed late last night. I made our lunch and sent him off as usual. After doing my routine, I prepared for one of the maths classes and it was already lunch time:O Well, sometimes t…

Had a nice day off

2020.12.17(Thu) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. After sending Moo off, I took two conversation lessons and one of them was with an experienced Japanese teacher who's been teaching English for more than 30 years. She was a super energetic w…


2020.12.16(水) 今日はむーが在宅勤務で7時まで寝坊してしまいました(;^ω^)前の職場の総務に戻って稟議書を作るという、なんともリアルな夢を見て疲れました(笑) 9時からむーは仕事、私はいつもどおり英会話と洗濯をして、午前中は冬期講習の授業の準備…

Pleasure to teach students

2020.12.15(Tue) Today's my brother's 36th birthday. In recent years, I always realize he's that old, so it means I'm quite old too. I couldn't imagine when he would become 36 years old. Seems like he had a great one with his family, my par…

Nice lunch and nice shopping

2020.12.14(Mon) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After seeing Moo off, I did my morning routine and spent some time on watching my favorite TV show. I went for a lunch with one of my close frineds. The cafe was in my neighbor and it was rea…


2020.12.13(月) 昨日は1日中寝たくっていたにもかかわらず、夜はいつもどおりの時間に寝て、朝も7時半までしっかり眠れましたzzz よっぽど疲れてたのかな('_') 朝食べるパンがなかったので急きょホットケーキを作ることにしたらむーが喜んでくれました(…

Nothing but sleep

2020.12.12(Sat) I went to bed quite late last night, which made me hard to wake up this morning:( I also had a stomachache, so didn't get up around 8am. After Moo and I had breakfast and had a conversation lesson, he started studying and I…

It's a baby girl:)

2020.12.11(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 as usual this morning. Moo had anemia just before going to work, which made me worried, but he managed to leave home and didn't have any problem afterwards. phew After seeing him off, I did my morning rout…

今年2度目のステイケーション 2日目

2020.12.10(木) 今日はすごーく不思議で怖い夢を見たせいで予定よりも早く起きる羽目に( ;∀;)せっかく気持ちい高級なベッドで寝てたのに怖い夢見るなんて、なんてこと('_') トイレに入ってる間にむーも目覚め、朝からお散歩へ(*´▽`*)とても気持ち良くて朝…

今年2度目のステイケーション 1日目

2020.12.9(水) 今日はむーとふたり国内のホテルへお泊りに行く、いわゆる「ステイケーション」の日(*^-^*)昨日の夜から楽しみで寝られないと言っていたむー、朝も7時前には起きてルンルンのご様子(笑)どんだけ楽しみにしてたんだか(^O^) 朝ご飯にサンド…

Receiving gifts and gratitude

2020.12.8(Tue) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. I managed to go for a morning walk and it was good to do as usual:) I think I can be very active when walk in the morning. After sending him off, I did my morning routine and prepared for the …


2020.12.7(月) 今日はいつもどおり6時10分に起き、お弁当を作る前に朝のお散歩(*^-^*)木・金・月と平日3連続で行けているのですが、毎日本当に気持ち良くて「あ~、朝いちで出てきて良かった」と感じます♬いつまで続くかな( ̄▽ ̄) むーを見送った後は…

Doing nothing at home

2020.12.6(Sun) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I felt a bit dizzy this morning, but felt better after having breakfast. We had a conversation lesson and did the laundry. While Moo was studying on the computer, I was very bored and didn't h…

Had another fun dinner with locals

2020.12.5(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since Moo went to bed very late last night, he looked very sleepy and wasn't as productive as usual. I went to work as usual and it was actually my last class on Saturday. As it was too sudden…


2020.12.4(金) 今日は6時10分に起き、朝ご飯を食べた後、昨日朝お散歩に行った後1日調子が良かったので今日も行ってみることに(*'▽')昨日に比べ少しお天気が悪かったですが、風がとっても涼しくてすごくいい気持ちでした(^O^)これが習慣になったらいい…

Being active at home

2020.12.3(Thu) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. I don't know why but it's been quite hard to wake up recently. I always want to get back to sleep... Is it because it's December? Although we don't have winter here, my body is telling me that…

It depends on the day

2020.12.2(Wed) I woke up at 6:50 this morning. Since Moo was going to work from home, I couldn't wake up early and went back to sleep some time. After having a conversation lesson, we lied on the sofa and fell asleep. I think that was tota…


2020.12.1(火) 今日から12月、師走ですね(..)!時の流れが早すぎて、12月の感覚がなさ過ぎてびっくりしていますΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ! こちらは12月に入ったからといって気候が変わるわけでもなく、いつも通りの太陽の照り付ける暑い日でした(;^ω^)今日はいつ…