


You can always change

2021.2.28(Sun) I slept in until 8:30 this morning. I was having a bad dream about Moo being mean to me when my mom woke me up:( He was OK in reality but asked me to help him out to make a transfer. After having a conversation lesson, it to…


2021.2.27(土) 今日は8時すぎに起きていつも通りの朝ごはんタイムで旅サラダ(^ν^)何年もおんなじ生活ですが、土曜日の朝はこれが一番落ち着きますね♫ いつもお世話になってる先生と話せた方がやっぱりうまく話せるので、英会話の時間を朝にずらしたとこ…

Accompanying Sister

2021.2.26(Fri) I woke up at 7:15 this morning. It was quite cold when I got up. The temperature goes up and down these days. When Sister came over, she thought she'd be going to Costco with Mom. But she turned it down, so I decided to acco…

First checkup at a new clinic

2021.2.25(Thu) I woke up at 7:10 this morning and went to a new clinic around 9am. Although I was a bit nervous at first, all the staff there was very supportive and kind and I felt relieved:) My little one is still a bit smaller than that…


2021.2.24(木) 今日はまた父の仕事のお休みの日だったので、8時まで寝ていました( ̄▽ ̄)帰国してすぐはお腹がいっぱいになって食べるのにすごく時間がかかっていた朝ごはんも普通に食べられるようになって、慣れって恐ろしいなと実感しています(笑) 午前中…

Went for a walk at a park

2021.2.23(Tue) I woke up at 8 this morning and had breakfast as usual. When Mom and Sister were going grocery shopping, I asked them to drop me off at a park nearby and had a nice walk. Although it was quite cold at first, I managed to wal…

The first thing to do after quarantine

2021.2.22(Mon) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I didn't wake up at all during the night:D Yay! I think my body is getting normal except for suffering from hay fever... Since today was the first day after quarantine, I asked my sister to ta…

自宅待機14日目最終日\( ˆoˆ )/

2021.2.21(日) 昨日の夜はよく眠れたので朝かなり気分良く起きられました(^ν^) サンデーモーニングを見ながらいつもの実家での朝を過ごし、

Quarantine Day 13

2021.2.20(Sat) I woke up at 8 this morning. Although I woke up around 4am and couldn't fall asleep again, I felt quite good in the morning. We had very relaxing breakfast with watching 旅サラダ, which is my parents' favorite time. I'm quit…

Quarantine Day 12

2021.2.19(Fri) I woke up at 8 this morning as usual. I couldn't sleep for a while, but once I fell asleep, I didn't wake up till the morning:) Today I worked on cleaning up with Sister again. I threw away many things that I don't want to u…


2021.2.18(木) 今日も変わらず8時まで寝させてもらいました( ̄▽ ̄)わたしの企画に伴って父も2週間仕事を休んでいるため、毎日が日曜日生活をずっと続けている我が家ですd(・∀・`*) 午前中は、わたし以外の家族は出かけたので、私はテレビでYouTubeのジャズを…

Quarantine Day 10

2021.2.17(Wed) I woke up at 8 this morning. I had a better sleep last night so I had a nice feeling:) Today was almost as the same as yesterday but I didn't take a nap and got more active today. I cleaned my room and also played with my ni…

Quarantine Day 9

2021.2.16(Tue) I woke up at 8 this morning. Fortunately I had a good sleep last night:) Nothing special happened today and I took a nap for three hours in the afternoon. When I woke up, my niece was happily watching "しまじろう" on TV. It'…


2021.2.15(月) 今日は朝8時に起きて、朝ごはんをゆっくり食べた後は姪っ子とたくさん遊びました(^ν^)懐いてくれると本当にかわいいですね♫そのあとは確定申告している姉を横目にわたしは読書して過ごしてました(^.^) それから出かけていた母に代わって…

Quarantine Day 7

2021.2.14(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning. I was able to fall asleep faster than yesterday, so I felt better:) After having breakfast, I went for a walk for 10 minutes at the backyard and lunchtime came soon. Time goes by quite fast when …

Quarantine Day 6

2021.2.13(Sat) Last night I couldn't sleep until 3am. I had no idea why but it might be because I had some naps during the day yesterday. I would do it all the time and didn't have any problem with sleeping though. Anyway I decided not to …


2021.2.12(金) 今日は8時過ぎまで寝ていましたzzz だいぶお腹が大きくなってきたからか、仰向けになると少し苦しくなってきたので横向きになるために寝返りを打つようになりました。おちび、ちゃんと育ってるね(^ν^)自主待機期間があるせいで、前の検査…

Quarantine Day 4

2021.2.11(Thu) I woke up around 8 this morning. After having breakfast, I had conversation lessons and read some books. Time went by quite fast in the morning. But afternoon felt quite long. I again spent a lot of time on reading but it wa…

Quarantine Day 3

2021.2.10(Wed) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After having breakfast, I helped doing house chores as my parents had a plan to go out in the morning. I stayed home alone and enjoyed having conversation lessons on Native Camp while they wer…


2021.2.9(火) 今日も8時過ぎまで寝ていて、起きてからゆっくり朝ごはんタイム(^ν^)やっぱり朝からご飯とお味噌汁は落ち着きますね〜(^ω^)♫ 午前中からすっかり慣れてくれた姪っ子とたくさん遊び、途中から姉と部屋の掃除をスタート!今までずーっと…

Quarantine Day 1

2021.2.8(Mon) I was woken up at 8:10 this morning. It felt very comfortable in my own bed and I slept very well☺️ Just my room was so cold when I woke up. Ha ha ha When I was having breakfast with my parents, Moo called me as he felt lonel…

Home sweet home

2021.2.7(Sun) I boarded on the plane at 1:20 and left for Japan. The travel was so comfortable and I was able to sleep quite well. The flight time was shorter than usual, so it also made my trip with my little one easier:) She was such a n…


2021.2.6(土) 今日はなぜか6時半ごろに目が覚めてしまい、それから全然寝られませんでした。むーを7時半ごろに起こしてベーコンエッグサンドのスペシャル朝ご飯\( ˆoˆ )/むーは夢の中で逆子のおちびを一生懸命ちゃんとした向きに戻してたそうです(笑)よっぽ…

Having a coffee time alone

2021.2.5(Fri) I woke up at 6:20 this morning and sent Moo off as usual. It's very exciting to see him off with our little one next time:) hihi After having a conversation lesson, I went to a pineapple tart shop to see if there was some sto…

Date before leaving

2021.2.4(Thu) I woke up at 7:30 this morning and made pancake and bacon egg for breakfast. Moo looked very happy as it's a special breakfast on a day off:) After that we took online lessons as usual and got ready to go out. First we went t…


2021.2.3(水) 今日は6時20分に起き、午前中はアクティブに寝ないように過ごしました(^O^) お昼過ぎからオンラインの母親学級がありました。妊娠初期や中期の復習、そして後期の気を付けることや生まれてからのワクチンのことなどいろいろ教えていただき…

Thank you for being part of my life here

2021.2.2(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning and sent Moo off as usual. After having two lessons, I got ready to go out and headed to a Dim Sum restaurant in my neighbor. I met with my closest friend here and had very nice local lunch:) Th…

Shortest hair ever:(

2021.2.1(Mon) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After making omurice for Moo's lunch, I sent him off and had two conversation lessons as usual. Then I did some housework that kept me busy in the morning. I had early lunch at home and went to…