

Thank you for being part of my life here


I woke up at 6:20 this morning and sent Moo off as usual. After having two lessons, I got ready to go out and headed to a Dim Sum restaurant in my neighbor. I met with my closest friend here and had very nice local lunch:) Then we took a two-story bus to go to a nice area for strolling. Then we found the shopping mall we were supposed to visit was under renovation:O Fortunately the place for dessert was in a different complex, so we headed straight and had a very relaxing afternoon time with local dessert called Mango sago. 

She and I have been friends for more than three years now. We met at a quite early timing of our life here and hit it off. Since then, we have been hanging out a lot. I'm going back to Japan temporarily but she's leaving for Japan for good:( It has been a great pleasure to have met her here and got to know each other. I'm so grateful to have a friend like her. Hope we can meet in Japan in the near future:) Stay in touch:D

I did grocery shopping and came home at 3pm. I had a short nap, cooked dinner and Moo came home around 7pm. Then we went for a walk as well as yesterday and watched the last episode of Virgin River. We're already looking forward to the next season...

It was such a nice day today:) But let's have a little bit of rest tomorrow.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)