



2021.1.31(日) 今日はむーの28歳の誕生日でした(*^-^*) 朝7時半には目覚めたので早めに朝ご飯を済ませ、プレゼントのPaul Smithのお財布をあげたところ大喜び(^O^)こちらではお店に全然いいのが売っていなくて、日本で買って送ってもらったのですが、…

Seeing a new born baby and farewell dinner

2021.1.30(Sat) Moo and I woke up around 8am this morning. We had the cake sensei gave us yesterday and it was really good:D:D:D Although it was made by a local patissier, it tasted like Japanese one:) We enjoyed it so much! Then we had con…

The last day of work

2021.1.29(Sat) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Since Moo was going to work from home, we both had conversation lesson at 7:30 and I had another one at 9. I was quite active and didn't take a nap in the morning:) Yay After having udon for l…


2021.1.28(木) 今日は珍しく6時20分にぱっと起き、朝からいろいろ予定があったので充実した午前の時間を過ごすことができました♬ ネイティブキャンプで大好きな先生が1人いるのですが、最近なかなか捕まってくれないので初めてお金を払って予約して授業…

The greatest compliment as a teacher

2021.1.27(Wed) I woke up at 6:50 this morning. Yes, today was Moo's working-from-home day:) Even though I slept in, I went back to sleep after a conversation lesson and woke up at 10am... Of course Moo had started work and I slowly got sta…

Last classes have started

2021.1.26(Tue) I woke up at 6:40 this morning. I think Monday makes me wake up early but other days are quite difficult... I'm getting bad at waking up in the morning:( After seeing Moo off, I had two conversation lessons as usual and did …


2021.1.25(月) 今日は6時20分に起きていつもどおりむーをお見送り。英会話の後はソファに転がってしまい、案の定お昼まで寝てしまいましたが、おちびが生まれたらこんな生活できないので今はありがたく寝させてもらうことにします(*´ω`) お昼からショッ…

Great walk at East Coast Park

2021.1.24(Sun) We slept in until 8am this morning. After having breakfast, we had conversation lessons and I did the laundry. Then I started preparing Oden for dinner. Well, making oden is quite hard work but sometimes I feel like eating i…

Getting ready to leave

2021.1.23(Sat) I woke up at 7:40 this morning. After having breakfast, Moo and I had conversation lessons as usual and I started writing to all of my students I'm in charge of. There are total 13 students and I finished writing to every si…


2021.1.22(金) 今日は寝坊せずに6時20分にしっかり目が覚め、お腹の重さを感じることもなくいい気分で起きられました。ただお腹がどんどん大きくなってきていてびっくりですΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!25週入ったあたりから体型の変化がすごいです。体重増えすぎないよ…

New findings

2021.1.21(Thu) I woke up at 8 this morning. I don't know why but my belly felt the heaviest ever and I just didn't feel like getting up for a while. Thankfully Moo was working from home, so we didn't have any problems even though I was laz…

it should be a good day today:(

2021.1.20(Wed) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After sending him off, I had one conversation lesson and did the laundry. I got ready and went to see one of my friends at a cafe. I had told her that I got pregnant, so she got me cute underw…


2021.1.19(火) 今日はきちんと6時20分に起き(それでも最近どんどん起きるのが遅くなってます)、朝から2度寝するむーを横目に私はしっかり起きて1時間の英会話まですませました(^O^)が、そのあとは時間にかなり余裕があったので午前中はゆっくり休息…

7-month checkup:)

2021.1.18(Mon) I woke up at 6:30 even though he was going to work from home:) We had conversation lessons and finished the laundry before he started work. Yay! So I had a very productive morning and didn't waste time:) I cooked lunch and w…

Got lost under the sun

2021.1.17(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning:) We had a very relaxing morning having a sandwich for breakfast and not caring about time so much. Since we have a big dining table in the living room now, I feel more comfortable than usual. It'…


2021.1.16(土) 今日は7時半すぎに起きたものの、体が重くちっとも気分も乗らない朝"(-""-)" 元気がなくテンションが低いままお昼になり、ご飯を食べて買い出しへ。むーと夜の餃子パーティのための食料品を買いに出かけました(*'▽')とりあえず欲しいものは全…

It's been so difficult...

2021.1.15(Fri) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I cooked fried rice for Moo's lunch and had two conversation lessons as usual. Then I watched a TV show which my friend here recommended me yesterday. It was a story about a girl repeating abo…

How precious it is to have close friends

2021.1.14(Thu) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. After having a conversation lesson, I got ready to go out and headed to a big shopping mall near the airport. I went there for the first time in one year and a half. I met my Japanese friend t…


2021.1.13(水) 今日はむーが在宅勤務で案の定お寝坊7時起き( ̄▽ ̄)←確信犯になりつつある お昼にパンを食べる予定があったので、朝からローソンで人気だった「悪魔のおにぎり」を、クックパッドからレシピをお借りして作ってみたらとてもおいしくできました…

Where's my blog? Has it been hacked?

2021.1.12(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. we went back to the bed after having breakfast, but I didn't sleep:) So I didn't have to feel my body heavy. phew After seeing him off, I had two English lessons as usual and did the laundry. …

Oh no, did nothing today!

2021.1.11(Mon) I woke up at 6:15 this morning. After sending him off, I decided to go back to sleep and woke up at 11:30. OMG The bad weather made me feel so down:( Although I was going to go out, I ended up staying at home. I had lunch, h…

Gloomy weather

2021.1.10(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning. Although we wanted to go for a walk in the morning, I was raining when we woke up:( Well, it's been very difficult to have nice weather these days. We couldn't go for a walk last weekend as well.…


2021.1.9(土) 今日は朝から美容院に行くむーのため、その前にパンケーキを作って英会話をする時間を作るために7時すぎに起きました"(-""-)"お休みの日に早く起きることになってちょっとご機嫌ななめの私。むーも「なんかゆっちゃん朝からご機嫌ななめだね」…

Winter program done:)

2021.1.8(Fri) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After having some relaxing time on the sofa, I went to the last class in the winter program. It went well and finally finished:) I'm glad that I was able to run without any absence. After that …

Making someone happy

2021.1.7(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Both of us were very sleepy even though we went to bed quite early last night... Well, I think I'm always like this in this time of the year. After sending him off, I had a conversation lesson,…


2021.1.6(水) 今日はむーが在宅勤務だったので7時までお寝坊(^O^)わーい♪そのおかげで午前中仕事に行くまではまったく眠くならず、とても快適に元気に時間を過ごせました。毎日こうだったらいいのに…( ;∀;) 仕事は昨日に比べたら天と地ほどの差でやりや…

Happy dinner

2021.1.5(Wed) I woke up at 6:15 as usual this morning. But I was super lazy after that and didn't even have a conversation lesson! Well, I know the reason and I should blame myself for having lied down on the sofa after seeing Moo off... A…

Online lessons

2021.1.4(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. I was glad that I managed to wake up as usual after the long holiday. I prepared Moo's lunch, had a conversation lesson and sent him off. Since I had a lot of time before going to bed, I ended …


2021.1.3(日) タイトルどおり、年末年始連休の最終日は超お寝坊さんで9時半に起きました( ;∀;)何度か目覚ましで目が覚めたり、むーと軽く話をしたりしたものの、2人とも寝落ちてしまったようです(;^ω^)昨日寝るのが遅かったし、今日は特にこれといっ…

Movie night with friends

2021.1.2(Sat) I woke up at 6:30 with the alarm sound at first, but I found it was raining, then went back to sleep. When I woke up next, it was already 8am. hihi Moo and I had osechi and ozoni for breakfast again and we had a relaxing morn…