

It's been so difficult...


I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I cooked fried rice for Moo's lunch and had two conversation lessons as usual. Then I watched a TV show which my friend here recommended me yesterday. It was a story about a girl repeating abortion and a woman failing to continue prengancy. I empathized the latter lady and felt very sad when she had to have an operation to get rid of the no-longer-growing baby. Now I'm pregnant in healthy condition and it is very grateful. I remembered the fact again while watching it.

After that I took a nap, had lunch and got ready to go to work. It was quite hard to teach students today... I haven't figured out how to motivate students who don't have any goals when it comes to learning English. They made the same mistakes every week and never try to care about them. It can't be helped but getting disappointed when I see the mistakes that I've corrected before.  I'm sure that they need some specific goals. 

I was quite tired when I came home but we went for a walk after having dinner. Oops, I forgot to do excercise for today... let's do it tomorrow.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)