



2020.8.31(月) 昨日、むーと2人やりたいことが見つからなかったため、10時半に寝ました(笑)←今どきの小学生より早い( ̄▽ ̄) にもかかわらず、朝起きる時は普通にいつも通り眠く、なんだかちょっと残念な気分( ̄▽ ̄)寝すぎもよくないってことですね(;^ω^…

Nice to see friends after a while

2020.8.30(Sun) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After having natto rice for breakfast, Moo and I went grocery shopping at the nearest supermarket. It was already quite hot when we came back from the supermarket on foot. Then we had a conver…

Usual Saturday

2020.8.29(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Moo woke up earlier but he didn't make breakfast for me... I made a sandwich and a good cup of coffee. Then I gave one class in the morning. Actually before that, Mom and Nana called me on the…

Finally done:)

2020.8.28(Fri) I overslept this morning and Moo woke me up at 7;30:O This is my worst oversleep and I couldn't prepare breakfast or lunch for him...:( But before going to work, I managed to cook dinner in advance and had a conversation les…


2020.8.27(木) 今日はむーが朝英会話をしたいとのことだったので、寝坊が許されず、6時10分前には起きました( ̄▽ ̄)最近ちょっと寝坊気味だったのをつっつかれた・・( ^ω^) でもその早起きのおかげで、私も朝から英会話ができて洗濯物も干して掃除も…

Nice to see you again:)

2020.8.26(Wed) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Again I cooked curry for dinner in advance and went to work. The student was quite motivated, so it was my pleasure to teach him for two hours. During the long break, I went out and hung out w…

Good to keep busy:)

2020.8.25(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. As I thought I wouldn't have time to come back home for making dinner, I decided to cook dinner in advance. I managed to do everything I should have done and went to work as usual. I had two c…


2020.8.24(月) 今日は6時過ぎに起き、洗濯もなかったので朝はゆっくり過ごしました。 2時間だけ仕事に行った後は、最近行っておいしかったベトナム料理のフードコートでチキンフォーを食べて大満足(*^-^*)本当なら本を持って行くはずだったのに、家に忘…

A fulfilling day

2020.8.23(Sun) I woke up at 7:40 this morning. After having breakfast, we did chores and had a conversation lesson. I realized it's good to have lessons every day. I'll continue to do it. I went out for a lunch during the heavy rain around…

Another movie night

2020.8.23(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. After having breakfast, I took a conversation lesson for the first time in a week. I had been slacking off, but I managed to talk as usual:) phew I had two lessons today but there was a lot of…


2020.8.21(金) 昨日は寝るのが少し遅かったため、朝は少しだけ寝坊しました(;^ω^)でもちゃんとお弁当を作り、洗濯物も干してから仕事へ(英会話は今日までおサボりでお休み) 朝2時間仕事をしていったん家に戻り、休憩してからまた夜仕事へ。夏休み明けあ…

A lot better

2020.8.20(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I decided to cook lunch first before taking a nap and it worked very well:) I made omurice for Moo and myself, then went to work. I had three classes in the morning and another two classes in …

Feeling super down

2020.8.19(Wed) Nothing went well today, which is very very rare, but sometimes happens... I woke up at 6:10 this morning. While Moo was having a conversation lesson, I was slacking off and lying around. Even though I came back home between…


2020.8.18(火) 今日は6時20分に起き、朝から仕事へ。夜7時までしっかり働いて帰ってきました(^O^)久しぶりに会う生徒たちはこのお休みの間にあった話をいろいろしてくれて、とてもかわいかったです(*^-^*) 仕事が終わり、帰ってからむーとご飯を食べ…

Brought us back memories

2020.8.17(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. I worked for three hours in the morning and finished work for today. Then I went to the shopping mall in front of my building and had Tom Yum for the first time in a while. I was worried if it wo…

More relaxing day

2020.8.16(Sun) I slept in until 8 this morning. Yay After having breakfast, Moo and I had conversation lessons and I ironed shirts later on. Time went by quite fast and I cooked lunch quite soon. We had lunch, went to a shopping mall to ge…


2020.8.15(土) 今日は終戦して75年の終戦記念日でしたね。コロナが流行っているとはいえ、多くの国で平和が訪れている一方で、まだまだ内戦や隣国との対立が激しい国もあります。この平和を決して当たり前と思わず、日々「ありがたいな」と思いながら生活…

Fun lunch:)

2020.8.14(Fri) I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I worked four hours in the morning and went for a lunch with sensei. It had been a few months since we last had a meal, so I was looking forward to it:) We talked for over an hour and had a lo…

Wish we were there

2020.8.13(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning. It was terribly raining outside and I woke up with the sound of rain. We were lucky that it had already stopped raining when we left home for work. Today's work was quite good. Students are getti…


2020.8.12(水) 今日は6時20分ごろに起き、朝からスペシャルで納豆ご飯(生卵・鰹節入り)を食べました(*´▽`*)こちらに来てからこの完全体で食べたのは初めて(^O^)むーも寝ぼけ眼ながら大喜びして食べていました(*´ω`)生卵に納豆という、日本では毎日…

Nothing special, which is good:)

2020.8.11(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning and went to work one hour later than last week. Although I had a lot of time for having a lesson or going for a walk, I ended up having a long sleep on the sofa...Oh no Today's lessons were quite …

Well done:)

2020.8.10(Mon) I woke up at 6:40 this morning and went for a walk with Moo. We couldn't take a bus on time, so the schedule didn't go well, but I arrived our today's destination around 8. Today's walking was along the river and the coast. …

初体験♡ ~魚一匹買ってお料理~

2020.8.9(日) 今日はまたまたノープランの日で、朝は8時前まで寝ていました( ̄▽ ̄)朝から昨日の夜ごはんのコロッケを使ってコロッケサンドを作って、ちょっとスペシャルな朝を過ごせました(^O^) 午前中にスーパーに行き、夜ご飯のお魚を調達!White Snap…

3-day holiday:D Day1

2020.8.8(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Moo and I decided not to go for a walk this morning, we started our day slowly. After having breakfast, he started working, so I had a lesson and went to Donki to do grocery shopping. Since it …


2020.8.7(Fri) I woke up at very early this morning, but ended up going to bed again.hihi Today's work went very well and I enjoyed teaching them very much. And Sensei and I were so happy to have three day holiday:) Yay! We said goodbye and…


2020.8.6(木) 今日は原爆の日。75年前のあの悲しみがもう2度と起こらない、起こさせないことを願い、そして日々の平和に感謝して過ごさねばとあらためて思いました。 そんな今日は朝からのんびりモードの私。英会話もおさぼりして、仕事が終わって帰って…


2020.8.5(Wed) I woke up at 7 this morning with the sunrise. I was very surprised and tried to check the time, but my phone didn't work:O Fortunately, Moo had another phone we hasn't, so I put my sim card in it and hoped it would work prope…


2020.8.4(Tue) I slept in until 7 this morning since Moo was going to work from home:) Yay I didn't have a conversation lesson, so I went to work a bit earlier and prepared for the lessons. Today's work was good:) I enjoyed and everyone did…


2020.8.3(月) 今日は6時に起き、昨晩のうちに洗濯が終わっていたのでとてもゆっくり朝を過ごせました。 朝仕事が1時間早く始まったので、家を出るのも1時間早く出て、4時間仕事して帰ってきたのですが、エアコン掃除のお兄ちゃん2人が作業してくれてる…

Fantastic Sunday:)

2020.8.2(Sun) I woke up at 6:50 this morning. Moo and I had a sandwich and went for a walk again. hihi We first went to Bay Front station and walked to Stadium, which was 6km long:O I enjoyed walking along the river, but it was a bit hot s…