



I woke up at 7 this morning with the sunrise. I was very surprised and tried to check the time, but my phone didn't work:O Fortunately, Moo had another phone we hasn't, so I put my sim card in it and hoped it would work properly. I had to go to work early this morning, so I left my phone at home and went to work.

I had a busy day at work but time didn't go by fast today... I don't know why though...maybe I got used to having four classes in the morning.

I came home around 2:30 and talked to Mom, Sister, Nana and Hana. It was a lot of fun and my neices were very cute:) I had a nice afternoon time with them. After that, I checked a website to search for the information of my phone's recovery. Then my phone was recovered! Yay Although I'd already transfered all the data to Moo's previous one, I can still keep it as alternative. Thank god:)

Since he said he would come home late, I had dinner alone and studied for TOEIC. Today's mock test was quite easy. Moo came home aound 9 and I cooked for him. Okay, let's go to bed early tonight.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)