



2021.4.30(金) 今日もおちびが朝ゆっくり寝てくれていたので7時まで寝られました(^o^)といっても、夜中にお産があり、看護師さんたちがバタバタと走っていたので夜何回か目が覚めました。今日は一気に3人もお産があって1日中皆さん忙しそうでした(;^…


2021.4.29(木) 昨日日記を書いてから、寝る前におっぱいマッサージしていたら、初めておっぱいがうっすらと出るようになり、嬉しくて涙があふれ出してきました。待ちに待ったおっぱい、ありがとう!\(^o^)/興奮したからか、なかなか眠れず1時前までベッ…


2021.4.28(水) 今日はおちび出産予定日でした(^o^)少し早かったけど、ほぼほぼ予定日でしっかり育って生まれてきてくれてありがとうね(*^^*) 今日は昨日に比べてさらに早く、6時過ぎには起こしてもらって授乳へ。昨日に比べて上手に吸い吸いしてくれて…


2021.4.27(火) 今日はおちびがお腹が空いたとのことで6時45分頃にナースコールで起こしてもらい、朝からまたまたおっぱいの練習。今日も5回トライしましたがちっとも出ることなく、夕方にはおちびも「出ないのに吸わせないでよ〜!」と言わんばかりに嫌…


2021.24.26(月) 今日は朝7時半頃に看護師さんが様子を見に来てくれて起き、ご飯をしっかり食べて10時に初めての授乳!といっても、全く出ないおっぱいを吸わせるだけでしたが( ̄▽ ̄;)しばらくはこの状況が続きそうなので、毎日頑張っておっぱいマッサー…


今日4月25日、元気な女の子が生まれました😊 昨日の朝4時に陣痛がきてから26時間、ながーいながーい闘いで心が折れそうでしたが、元気に生まれてきてくれたことに本当に感謝です🥲 わたしとむーのところにきてくれてありがとう。 これから大事に育てるから…


2021.4.23(金) 昨日の夜中、全然寝付けずに、しかもトイレに何度も起きて大変な時間を過ごしました(´・ω・`)朝起きるとおしるしが出ていて、これはおちび出産への大きな第一歩\(^o^)/しかも、ちょっとお腹が痛いな〜と感じながらだったので、朝からドキ…

Last Yakiniku lunch before giving birth:)

2021.4.22(Thu) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. In the morning, we went grocery shopping and went for a yakiniku lunch before giving birth:D The portions were so big and we enjoyed the beef! Especially the tongue was really good an…

Finished the first round:D!

2021.4.21(Wed) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Last night I went to bed at 10pm, so I had a very long sleep, that made me feel better than yesterday. Mom, Dad and I watched ”Coming to America" starring Eddie Murphy. It wasn't a deep story …


2021.4.20(火) 今日は朝5時ごろに喉の乾燥に気が付き目が覚めました。少しだけ水を飲んでなんとか寝ることができ、起きたのですが身体はちょっとボーッとした感じ(´・ω・`)そして今日は暑くなると言われていたのに、全然暑さを感じない私(怪)花粉症の薬…

A nice walk

2021.4.19(Mon) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. After having breakfast, Sister and I went to a temple to submit the 写経 that I did last Saturday. It was my first time to visit the place and it was very nice to go there. I prayed f…

Selling books at BOOK-OFF

20221.4.18(Sun) I woke up at 7:50 this morning. I had a dream about a guy I used to like and felt quite complicated when I woke up. ha ha ha After having breakfast, I ironed a lot of shirts and spent more than one hour. It can't be helped …


2021.4.17(土) 今日はトイレに起きてしまいましたが、2度寝して8時に起きました(^ω^)いつもどおり旅サラダを見ながらの土曜日朝ごはん♪再来週は1人でクリニックで見てるのかな…(*^^*) 朝から雨でとっても眠かったですが、単語テストと復習をしていた…

my little one and the last mercari shipping

2021.4.16(Fri) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. I woke up some time because of my backpain, but it wasn't too bad:) phew In the morning, I went to the clinic to have a checkup. My little one became around 3,000g and I also gained weight. ha…

Too full to move:O

2021.4.15(Thu) I woke up at 3 in the morning. OMG I think the reason was because I ate only takoyaki for dinner and didn't eat anything else. I couldn't sleep for an hour and tossed around on the bed:( I finally got back to sleep around 4a…

たこ焼き夜ご飯\( ˆoˆ )/

2021.4.14(水) 今日は8時前に起き、午前中はスーパーへ買い出しへ。実家にいると食べる量が多いからか、スーパーに行く回数がかなり多いですd(・∀・`*)どおりで食費も多いわけだ(笑)ただ、国産のお肉を日常的に食べられることは本当に本当にありがたいです…

More and More relaxing but boring?

2021.4.13(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning at first. Well, my little one is coming a bit down and I can't hold things in my belly... I go to the washroom very often. ha ha ha After having breakfast, we went to a drug store, UNQLO and ca…

Last maternity yoga class

2021.4.12(Mon) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. Thankfully I didn't feel like going to the washroom while sleeping, so I had a really good sleep last night. In the morning, I had a conversation lesson and went to the maternity yoga…


2021.4.11(日) 今日は8時に起きたら、母もまだ起きたばかりで一緒に朝ごはんの準備をしましたd(・∀・`*)午前中は英会話をしてのんびり家で過ごし、お昼からもマッサージ機に乗って本を読みながらお昼寝してました(^o^)なんとリラックスな日曜日(^v^) …

3D Coloring:)

2021.4.10(Sat) I woke up ay 8 this morning. My parents and I visited both of their graves and it was already 2pm when we came home. Although I was thinking about staying home, it was good to go with them as I won't be able to go next month…

Another busy day

2021.4.9(Fri) I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. I went to the clinic around 9 and my doctor told me that our little one is now already 2,915g! Woo She's growing up:D:D:D He also said she could come out whenever she's ready. I really…


2021.4.8(木) 今日はいつもどおり7時半に起き、姪っ子たちの面倒を見ない1日を過ごしました(^o^)かわいいけど子守は本当に疲れるので、たまにこういう日があるとありがたいんですよね〜(;^ω^) というわけで、午前中はでかける姉と母を横目に1人で…

What a busy day:O

2021.4.7(Wed) I woke up at 8 this morning. Thankfully, I can still sleep very well with my big belly:) I don't have to go to the washroom through the night and can have a good sleep. I don't know when it finishes though... In the morning, …

Visited auntie

2021.4.6(Tue) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since it wasn't raining, I asked Sister to help me with doing the laundry for my little one. Thanks to her help, I washed all the clothes she would wear soon:) Moo and I are very very excited t…


2021.4.5(月) 今日は7時すぎに起きて、朝はいつもよりゆっくり過ごすことができました。というのも、下の姪っ子が保育園に初登園\(^o^)/今日から午前中遊び相手をすることが私の仕事からなくなりました(笑)もちろん朝のお別れギャン泣きしたそうですが…

Spring rain

2021.4.4(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning:) I went to bed at 10pm last night, so I ended up sleeping for 10 hours! Yay Thanks to the long enough sleep, I didn't have to take a nap all day. I don't know why I was so sleepy yesterday but it …

Picnic at a park and eel dinner

2021.4.3(Sat) I woke up at 8 this morning. After having relaxing breakfast as usual, Moo and I had a video talk on Skype and it was all about investment. We talked for an hour and got really exhausted... Thinking about future money is impo…


2021.4.2(金) 今日はいつもどおり7時過ぎに起きて、朝イチでクリニックで定期検診でした。おちびは2600gになり、先生にいつお腹が痛くなっても大丈夫だから、そうなってもしっかり運動してくださいと言われました(・o・)!もうそこまで出産がきている…

Short life of cherry blossoms

2021.4.1(Thu) April has begun! When I woke up, it was very beautiful and already warm outside:) Since Sister and her daughter had a plan for today, Mom and I had a rest day. hihi In the morning, I did some research of the way to buy US ETF…