

my little one and the last mercari shipping


I woke up at 7:20 this morning. I woke up some time because of my backpain, but it wasn't too bad:) phew

In the morning, I went to the clinic to have a checkup. My little one became around 3,000g and I also gained weight. ha ha ha Fortunately my doctor had some shots of her and I showed them to Moo, which made him very happy:) hihi  Aww, she's coming out in 2 weeks! I really can't believe it's going to be happen so soon:D

After having lunch, my sister and I went to Yamato to send the last item on mercari. I ended up making more than 10,000 yen in total:)! Yay! If I had thrown them away, they would have been just a waste, so I'm very happy that I got some allowance. hihi 

My two nieces had dinner here together, so I spent a lot of time with them. Although it was quite tiring, I also had fun with playing with them:) It's a good practice for my future life.

After they went back home, Mom and I went to a convenience store to buy some food for Friday night. hihi We got something to eat and enjoyed our evening:))

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)