


It happens

2019.10.31(Thu) I woke up at 6 and spent the morning as usual. Luckily, I was able to choose a native speaker for my teacher today, I got to have some correction and that really helped me:) It was a great time! But after sending him off, I…


2019.10.30(水) 今日はいつも通りに起きてお見送りしてお洗濯。 朝英会話のレッスンの電波があまりよくなく、途中で終わってしまったので別の先生ともう1度やったら、今日はいつもよりペラペラ言葉が出てきてなんだかいい気分でした(*^-^*) お昼ご飯に、…

Got back to usual days

2019.10.29(Tue) I woke up at 6 as usual this morning. I felt like I needed to make the most of the time, so I tried take a short nap and did some things in the morning. It was also good that I had leftover to eat for lunch, which gave me e…

Long weekend Day3

2019.10.28(Mon) I woke up at 6:30 this morning and we left home at 7:30 for a walk. Today we went to an island called Sentosa. The island itself is like an amusement park, so it is really fun to walk around. We wanted to leave home as earl…

3連休\( ˆoˆ )/2日目

2019.10.27(日) 今日はディーパバリというインドの祭日で、ズンバのレッスンがなかったので朝ゆっくり寝られました(^ν^) 久しぶりにパンケーキを焼いて贅沢な朝を過ごし、英会話のミートアップへ♫別のミートアップで仲良くしてくれてたベトナム人の女性…

Long weekend Day1

2019.10.26(Sat) We are having a three-day-holiday this weekend:) It's nothing special for me, but Moo was very excited since we don't have a lot of long holidays like Japan. I woke up at 7:30 and went to the gym before going to work! Yay A…


2019.10.25(Fri) Today, Moo woke up earlier than me. He woke up at 5:30 and helped to put dishes away and make berley tea:) That was very sweet of him. Thank you:) I woke up at 6 as usual and cooked cheese ham toast for appreciation. Then I…


2019.10.24(木) 今日はいつも通り6時に起きてむーを見送り、またいつも通りの朝のソファータイム。 すっかり習慣になっていることがダメなのはわかっているのですが、本当に直りません(涙)しっかり1時間ほど寝てすっきりしたので、掃除してちょっと早め…

Having something to do

2019.10.23(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After seeing him off, I had to go to the gym to work out. But I wanted to be lazy on the sofa and slept for an hour. OMG I was also supposed to go grocery shopping, but I slacked off an…

How can I make the most of this free time?

2019.10.22(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After seeing him off, I took a nap, cleaned the house and did the laundry. When I was checking my investment game, I realized that stock market hadn't started. I wondered why and finall…


2019.10.21(月) 今日は6時にすっきり起きて、むーを見送った後は喜びの月曜日の朝を過ごしました(*^-^*)本当は雑巾がけの日だけど今日はおさぼりしてのんびりを楽しみ、お出かけの準備をして友達とランチへ♬ 私の家から20分くらいの近くのカフェで、前…


2019.10.20(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. Although I had some drink last night, I was able to wake up early and went to the ZUMBA lesson as usual:) Today's exercise was as fun as usual but not as hard, which was good for me who ate a…


2019.10.19(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning but I had a stomachache and couldn't have a conversation lesson in the morning. After taking a short sleep, I got better and went to work. Today's work was as good as last week:) I'm getting u…


2019.10.18(Fri) 今日は6時に起きて、むーと静かな朝を過ごしました。というのも、昨日私が彼の英語のスピーキングへの向き合い方についてちょっと厳しいことを言って、そのままいやな~なしょんぼりの気持ちでおやすみをしたからです。とほほ 厳しいこと言…

Receiving parcels

2019.10.17(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although I really didn't feel like going to the gym, I managed to do some exercise in the morning. phew After coming back home, I was browsing Ameba blog to read some fun articles. But …

Usual Wednesday:)

2019.10.16(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. After sending him off, I hung up the laundry and had drip coffee, which made me feel more energetic:) Thanks to the coffee, I didn't get sleepy in the morning and did many things! Yay T…


2019.10.15(火) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起きて、むーをお見送りがてらジムへ(^O^) 帰ってきて掃除をした後、「そういえば実家から送ってもらった船便、今頃どこかな~」と思って追跡番号を入れて調べてみたら、こちらの国での「保管」との言葉が。保管っ…

After an exciting day

2019.10.14(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Since we went to bed very early last night, I wasn't sleepy when I woke up. But I suddenly became very sleepy after preparing his lunch, so I went back to bed and slept until he finishe…


2019.10.13(日) 昨日は眠すぎて22:30には寝たので、翌日月曜日に更新しております(´▽`;) 朝6時前に起きて、7時半からサッカーの試合があるむーのおにぎりを準備してお見送り。そのあと英会話のレッスンをしたり、洗濯をしてたらあっという間に時間が過ぎ…

Huge typhoon

2019.10.12(Sat) I woke up at 7 this morning. Moo went to take TOEIC test and I went to work:) Today's work was very relaxing and time went by quite fast:) hihi After that I straight came home and had lunch by myself. I took two conversatio…


2019.10.11(土) 今日はタイの子供たちサマーキャンプの最終日。 いつもどおりに6時に起きて、8時にむーと一緒に会社へ。前に日本語で日記を書いた日は初日でとても緊張していたのですが、すっかり緊張せずにリラックスして行けました。経験を重ねるって本…

The more we spend time together, the more we have fun:)

2019.10.10(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I wasn't nervous at all. hihi I went to work as well as the past two days with Moo. Today the students came to school on time, so I had ten minutes more than yesterday. But there were m…

Two more days to go

2019.10.9(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. Since today was the second day of the summer program, I didn't feel as nervous as yesterday. After having breakfast, I cooked lunch for Moo, had a conversation lesson as usual, then went to work.…


2019.10.8(火) 今日はタイの子供たちのサマーキャンプ1日目ということでドキドキの私は5時に目が覚めて、6時までに10回くらい目覚ましで時間を確認しました(;^ω^) 仕方なく5時50分に起きて、いつもより少しだけ早くご飯の準備をし、ネイティブキ…

All set!

2019.10.7(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. After seeing him off, I cleaned the house and went to work. Even though I don't get paid for the preparation, I had to get everything settled, so I worked for more than four hours today. When I w…

Almost there!

2019.10.6(Sun) I woke up at 7:25 this morning. I went to the exercise as usual and we were so happy to have our favorite instructor back:):):) From today, we started having ZUMBA and it was so much fun that I kept laughing almost the whole…

初体験♡Shake Shack

2019.10.5(土) 今日は目覚ましをセットするのを忘れていたのでお寝坊してしまいましたが、仕事に行くまでに洗濯できたのでセーフ(^ω^) 午前中3時間仕事をして、むーと合流して空港の方へ(^ν^)♫ 空港に新しくできた超巨大ショッピングモールの中に、…

Have been busy

2019.10.4(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning. After seeing him off, I went to the gym to do workout for half and hour. It was quite intense and I got tired, but totally good to do in the morning:) Then I made a Trivia Quiz for the coming stu…

Doing research takes time

2019.10.3(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I set the alarm but stopped and fell asleep. OMG But fortunately I managed the time and finished all the things I do in the moring. After doing the laundry, I started doing research on activit…

無題で更新してました( ̄▽ ̄)

2019.10.2(水) 今日は6時に起きる予定が、気づかず6時20分まで寝ていたので飛び起きましたd(・∀・`*) ノー洗濯デーの朝だったので、むーを見送りがてらジムで運動。筋トレ先にしてから有酸素運動したら、汗びっしょりになりました(;^ω^)いいことだけど…