


Fun Saturday:) Yay

2020.2.29(Sat) Today is February 29, which is the day we have only once in four years:) It is quite special. I woke up at 7:30 this morning. As I said, I cooked omlette for breakfast and we enjoyed it very much. He left home before me this…


2020.2.28(金) 今日はなんと、大寝坊でした( ̄▽ ̄)「ゆっちゃん」というむーの声で朝気持ちよく目が覚めて、聞こえてきた言葉は「7時15分だよ(^O^)」。。。しばらく考えた末、今日が金曜日だと気づいてびっくりΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!でも飛び起きるでもなく、むー…

Feeling very calm

2020.2.27(Thu) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. I didn't oversleep:) phew This morning, I first went to the poolside to read for half an hour and came back home to hang up the laundry. It's been a great feeling to start a day with reading a…

Getting a good routine

2020.2.26(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. I was able to wake up better than yesterday:) When he was leaving home, I went downstairs together and headed to the gym. I did exercising as the first thing in the morning. Thanks to that, I …

Feeling quite good

2020.2.25(Tue) I slept in until 6:20:O It's been very hard to wake up at 6am...But I managed to finish everything before 7 and took a conversation lesson as usual. After seeing him off, I cleaned the house, read some books beside the pool,…

No nap day:D

2020.2.24(Mon) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. As soon as Moo woke me up, he apologized me for yesterday's attitude. I forgave him and he went to work as usual. Today, I didn't sit on the sofa until the afternoon:D It means I didn't sleep:…


2020.2.23(日) 今日は7時半に起きて、いつもどおり朝のエクササイズへ♪先生はいつもの先生に戻っていて、とても気持ちよく1時間運動できて幸せでした(^^)お天気も最高で、行き帰りに青空の下を歩いて超リフレッシュ(*^-^*)日曜日の朝大好きです♡ 帰…

Fun dinner on Saturday night:)

2020.2.22(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since I didn't have a class at 10, I went to work later than usual and had much time to relax before work. Today's two classes were as usual:) The boys are very nice and I don't have problem:)…

Had a productive day:)

2020.2.21(Fri) When we were relaxing in the living room in the morning, Moo told me it was our 2.5 years anniversary today. OMG I never thought of it:D hahahaha Thank you for always remind me our special day:) After seeing him off, I didn'…

Another good news that made me happy:)

2020.2.20(Thu) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Since we went to bed a little bit late, I was too sleepy to wake up at the usual time. We had a nap after breakfast and I prepared his lunch. Thanks to the nap, I was able to move actively in …


2020.2.19(水) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起き、むーを見送ってからは、ソファーにダイブせず、バルコニーの椅子に座ってしばらく本を読んでいました。少し眠くなってきたところで10分くらい寝ちゃいましたが、朝寝はそれだけでその後とても充実した時間を…

Can't work hard every single day:(

2020.2.18(Tue) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I again got very sleepy after sending Moo off, then I slept until 10 am. I think I need to get rid of the bed from out living room. ha ha ha Recently I haven't been able to live without taking…

A very usual Monday

2020.2.17(Mon) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. Since I put all the dishes away, my mind said I could sleep in. Ha ha ha But oversleep didn't matter at all. I prepared Moo's lunch and had a conversation class as usual. After sending him off…


2020.2.16(日) 今日は7時過ぎに起きて、いつもどおりエクササイズレッスンに行きました。コロナウイルスが蔓延しているため、人は少ないかな~と思って出かけたら、先週の倍以上の人がいてびっくりΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!しかもいつもの先生がお休みで、代行で来てくれ…


2020.2.15(土) 前日、バレンタインデーなのにむーは飲み会に行き、しかも私の記憶がある間に帰ってきませんでした(..)朝起きたら隣にいて、朝ご飯を一緒に食べるために起こしたら夜中の2時に帰ってきたとのこと"(-""-)"私はずーっとぷんぷんしていて、自分…

Up and Down

2020.2.14(Fri) Last night, Moo suddenly got angry with the thing I was talking about. I just talked about it in general, but he took it seriously as his grand dad's and got in a very bad mood. So we went to bed in a very bad mood and I wok…


2020.2.13(木) 昨夜むーがマレーシアから帰ってきて、今日は6時に起きていつも通りの朝を迎えました。午前中はアクティブに過ごしていた私、お昼ご飯を食べると調子があまりよくなく、夜ご飯を作る前の時間までソファでゴロゴロ。 ご飯を作り仕事に出かけ、…

Want to get out of the slamp

2020.2.12(Wed) I woke up at 9 this morning. hihi Like as usual, I slept in as Moo was away. But today was better than yesterday. I took two conversation lessons in a row and spoke a lot of English. I also cleaned the house and felt refresh…

A very slow day

2020.2.11(Tue) I woke up at 6:30 this morning:O Although my alarma rang some times, I couldn't wake up! Moo woke up first and he started prepareing for going to a business trip. I senf him off and went back to sleep. Then I woke up at 11am…


2020.2.10(月) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起きて、むーを見送って月曜日の朝を始めました。二度寝せずに英会話をして、9時半過ぎに家を出てお給料をもらいに銀行へ。すると入り口のところで熱を測られ、名前も書かされました(驚)ショッピングモール内も驚…

Be grateful for what we have

2020.2.9(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. I went to the exercise lesson as usual and did FIGHTDO. The lady next to me was so good, so I asked her if she was a teacher. hahaha She said no, but I'm sure that she's been doing it for a lon…


2020.2.8(土) 今日は仕事が11時からだったので7時半に起き、朝から立派なサンドイッチも作って素敵な朝を過ごしました(^O^)♬仕事は順調で、2時間楽しくできたのですが、こちらでもコロナウイルスがかなり警戒されていて(すでに感染者が30人を超えて…


2020.2.7(金) 今朝は昨日の朝とは打って変わって、またもやすっきり気持ちよく起きられました(^O^)むーの準備が遅かったので、その間に一番やる気の起きない雑巾がけをし、洗濯物も早々に片付いたので、朝10時ごろから一生懸命ポケモンをして図鑑うめう…

Had a weird dream...

2020.2.6(Thu) Oh, it's already 6th of February...Time goes by quite fast:O I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and spent time as usual. Today I talked to an English tutor who was a Guyanese. He told me the history of Guyana and I learned …

Hanging out with a friend for the first in two years!

2020.2.5(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning. I was too sleepy to wake up at 6...which was totally opposite to yesterday morning. But I managed to finish preparing breakfast ant Moo's lunch, then took a conversation lesson as usual. When h…


2020.2.4(火) 今日は朝6時にすっきり起きられました(^O^)いつもどおりお弁当作りと英会話を終え、今日はそのまま着替えてお出かけの準備。むーと一緒に家を出て、朝からスーパーに買い物に行きました。20ドル(1600円)に到達しないとポイントがた…

A Monday off staying at home

2020.2.3(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although I slept early last night, I was very sleepy:( Moo was also very sleepy, so we slept after breakfast. ha ha ha After seeing him off, I did the laundry twice and cleaned the house.…

Belated birthday dinner:)

2020.2.2(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning and went to the exercise lesson as usual. We started FightDo again this month and it was much more fun than Piloxing for the past few months:) I sweat, but we had good winds and didn't feel too …


2020.2.1(土) 今日は7時半に起きて、ご飯の後は英会話、そして洗濯を干してお仕事へ。朝からゆっくり時間が過ごせて、そして外から涼しい風が入ってきてとてもいい気持ちで過ごせました♬ 仕事では体験授業の子がきてくれてすごく楽しく授業ができたので、ど…