


Be grateful for the teachers in Native Camp

2020.3.31(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual and went to work with Moo. He went to the hospital to get his hand MRI. I started teaching at 9:20 as well as yesterday and gave four lessons in the morning. Sensei and I had lunch break …


2020.3.30(月) 今日は緊張していたせいもあり、4時ごろから何度も目が覚めては眠りに戻るという時間を過ごし、ようやくいつもどおり6時に起床。朝ゴロゴロせずにお化粧したら、英会話終わりのむーが「ゆっちゃんがくたくたせずにお化粧してキリってしてる…

Ended up spending quite some money

2020.3.29(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning:) Since our weekend workout was cancelled, Moo and I went for a run after breakfast. I really wanted to give up in the middle, but he encouraged me to finish and I made it:D Yay After that, we als…

Ready to give online lessons

2020.3.28(Sat) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Moo went to the hospital to see a doctor and I went to work. I gave two lessons and had a meeting with Sensei. The new system has been freaking her out and she's been so nervous. Hope we can g…


2020.3.27(土) 今日は先生にお休みをもらえたので、むーが朝出かけるタイミングで一緒に出かけ、スーパーでしっかり買い出ししてきました(^ν^)これで1週間はお買い物に行かなくて良さそうなのでありがたいです。 帰ってきて休憩中したあと、買ってきた…

No more tuition schools

2020.3.26(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning and went to work in the morning. I had to stay there until the evening, so I asked Moo to eat out for dinner. Sensei and I were thinking about what we could do once the tuition school can't open. …

Getting affected by COVID-19

2020.3.25(Wed) I woke up at 6 as usual. It was a good decision to cook meals for Moo's lunch. I didn't have to cook anything:) I had a conversation lesson as usual and sent him off. But after that I didn't go to the pool side nor the gym, …


2020.3.24(火) 今日はいつもどおり6時過ぎに起き、久しぶりにちゃんと4種類おかずを入れたお弁当を作って若干自己満足(*^-^*)ちゃんと英会話もしてから洗濯をしたのですが、最近やっていた朝のプールサイド読書をさぼって寝てしまいました(..) その後昨日…

Usual Day

2020.3.23(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning and went to work in the morning. The students were a boy and a girl who I've taught before, so it was easy to communicate with them:) After the lessons, I had lunch at the foodcourt, did grocery s…

Be grateful to be together

2020.3.22(Sun) I woke up at 7:15 this morning. The sunshine was so beautiful that I stayed in the sun for a while:) After we enjoyed the last mango for breakfast, I went to the exercise as usual and had a great time with the aunties:) I've…


2020.3.21(土) 今日はむーが朝早くからこそこそと動き出し、英会話の声が聞こえてきたのが7時すぎでした(笑)早い(;^ω^)私はまだ起きる時間じゃなかったのでベッドの上でごろごろしつつ、英会話が終わるのを待ち、7時半過ぎに起きてきて朝ご飯を作りまし…

Teaching is fun:)

2020.3.20(Fri) Today's my little niece's 1st birthday:) Happy birthday Hana:D I woke up at 6 this morning and did my morning routine. But I couldn't go to the poolside as I couldn't beat sleepinss. OMG Since it was going to be busy today, …

Back to a busy work day

2020.3.19(Fri) I woke up at 6:20 this morning. I overslept again...:( I guess I have been so sleepy recently that I can't wake up well..I want to be back to usual me.. From today, I work both in the morning and the afternoon. After reading…

習慣化のちから やぶれたり

2020.3.18(水) 昨日、習慣化のちからってすごい!と書いたのに、その途端今日やられました( ˙-˙ )がーん この眠気は自分ではどうしようもないホルモンバランスっぽい感じで、寝ても覚めてもずーっと眠たく、とっても自己嫌悪のまま1日過ごしました(´._.`) …


2020.3.17(火) 今日はいつもどおり6時に起き、むーを見送るまでソファでころころ転がっていたのがだめだったのか、恐ろしい睡魔に襲われましたΣ( ̄ロ ̄lll)今までならこのままソファに引き込まれてしまいましたが、最近は掃除→プールサイドで読書という習慣…

Staying home all day long

2020.3.16(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. I don't know why but I was really sleepy this morning:( Before preparing Moo's lunch, I slept for a while and got better. After sending him off, I tried not to take another nap, so made myself bu…

Enjoy seasonal fruit

2020.3.15(Sun) Although I couldn't get to sleep for a while last night, I woke up well with the sunshine this morning:) I went to the exercise lesson as usual and my body felt very light:D I guess that was because I worked out yesterday an…


2020.3.14(土) 昨日は疲れて気が付いたら寝ていました。朝むーに起こされたとき、すでに8時('ω')今週から土曜日の仕事がなくなったので、朝ゆっくり過ごせるようになりました♬昨日の夜揚げたチキンカツを使ってカツサンドを作り、朝から贅沢でむー大喜び(^…

Chicken Cutlet

2020.3.13(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning. This week, I didn't over sleep, which made me happy:) hihi I also had 2 conversation lessons every day. That became a great routine. I'm really happy that I still continue to do it. After the les…

Working only three times a week

2020.3.12(Thu) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I've been able to wake up well this week:) Yay When Moo was leaving home, I also went downstairs and started reading. It was much cooler than usual, so it felt very good:) After that, I …


2020.3.11(水) 東日本大震災から今日で9年。もう9年も前のことなのかと驚いています。あの日のことはずっと忘れないし、忘れてはいけません。行方不明者のひとりでも多くの人が見つかり、そして被災された方々の生活に光が戻りますように。 さて、今日はい…

Be grateful for the given opportunity

2020.3.10(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Recently I can sleep quite well and wake up in a good mood:) I think it really relates to my morning active routine. After sending Moo off, I did all the housework and went to read books…

A super relaxing day

2020.3.9(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning. I had a very good morning today. Normally reading time is an hour, but I just forgot the time and enjoyed reading for one hour and a half:) It felt very good alongside the pool. After that I had a…


2020.3.8(日) 昨日のBBQで喜んでビールを4杯も飲んだのですが、今日は朝からエクササイズがあったので頑張っていつも通り7時半前に起きました(^O^)サッカーと水球で体がボロボロのむーを連れてFIGHTDOに行き、汗びっしょりになりながらも最後までしっ…

BBQ with neighbors

2020.3.7(Sat) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. I got ready to go to work and taught three hours. After that, I had a meeting with one of my student's father and talked about her Eiken score. I was very surprised that she had taken the test …

See you next time in Japan

2020.3.6(Fri) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Although Moo didn't have a conversation lesson, I did it and had the second one at 8am. Native Camp started letting all the school students in Japan have free lessons. Instead of our inco…


2020.3.5(木) 昨夜、むーが早くから眠たいと言っていたので11時にベッドに行って早く寝たところ、朝とってもすっきり起きられました♬やっぱり早く寝たらちゃんと起きられることを実感しました(^O^) 見送った後は、今日は洗濯の日じゃなかったのでジムに…

Another no nap day:)

2020.3.4(Wed) I woke up at 6 this morning. Moo told me since I didn't take a long nap, I fell asleep quickly. I didn't realized but it seems like that:) After sending him off, I went to have a reading time with coffee, which made me feel v…

Having a good routine makes a day very productive

2020.3.3(Tue) I woke up at 6 this morning. As soon as I sent him off, I started cleaning the house and the toilet, which prevented me from lying on the sofa:) Of course I went to the poolside to read and had a good time. It's been great to…


2020.3.2(月) 今日はいつもどおりの月曜日休み♪6時10分過ぎに起き、いつもどおりにむーを見送った後は、最近続けているプールサイドでの読書をまたしました。3月に入り、新しい本を数冊ダウンロードした(^O^)今日はほとんど「はじめに」と見出しを読ん…