

Be grateful for the given opportunity


I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Recently I can sleep quite well and wake up in a good mood:) I think it really relates to my morning active routine.

After sending Moo off, I did all the housework and went to read books. I finished one of the books I enjoyed reading. It told me many good things to take care of our body and how to make blood circulation better. Now I'm trying some things:)

Since I couldn't take a conversation lesson in the morning, I took two lessons in a row. I chose a Phillipino male teacher and he was a really good one:) It's sometime good to give it a try. Then I looked for some Youtube videos to learn how to write good essays. There was a super teacher teaching writing so well. I was impressed and decided to watch his lesson once in a day.

I spent time in the afternoon as usual and went to work. I send an email to one of my students' parents about our goal. Sensei gave me the chance to do it. It took me a lot of time to think about what to write, but it was a great experience. I'm very glad that she let me do this and I got to think deeply. I really hope I can help her better. 

Moo and I had dinner together at home and we watched FRIENDS as usual. In today's episode, Rachel gave a birth to a baby girl... that was a good one:) I'm feeling very relaxed and calm:)


See you tomorrow and have a good night:)