

Ended up spending quite some money


I woke up at 8 this morning:) Since our weekend workout was cancelled, Moo and I went for a run after breakfast. I really wanted to give up in the middle, but he encouraged me to finish and I made it:D Yay After that, we also went to the gym to work out. Although it was super tough, I felt a sense of accomplishment:)

We had ramen for lunch and stayed at home in the afternoon. It was really hot outside and people enjoyed swimming in the pool. We studied and took a little nap. I cooked dinner and went for a walk early in the evening. Today we weren't supposed to spend money at all, we ended up buying a pack of chocolate, some stuff from Daiso and sweets. hihi  But it was good that we walked both on the way and back.

Today we finished everything early, we had enough time to just enjoy watching FRIENDS and having the sweets:) Yay

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)