

3D Coloring:)


I woke up ay 8 this morning. My parents and I visited both of their graves and it was already 2pm when we came home. Although I was thinking about staying home, it was good to go with them as I won't be able to go next month:) hihi

I had a nap in the afternoon, prepared 炊き込みご飯 for dinner and went for a walk with Mom. The weather was so nice with perfect temperature that we really enjoyed walking:) I'm so thankful that I can walk outside in such a great season. 

Since Dad had to go to the dentist, we had very early dinner at 5:15pm. Mom and I got a lot of free time in the evening, so I had a conversation lesson and enjoyed coloring. I worked on it for a week and finally finished:D!


It looks quite pretty, doesn't it? I bought this set at Seria and it was very much worth a pay! I also felt a sense of accomplishment. Very looking forward to doing the other one when I'm in the hospital. Wondering when she's ready to come to us:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)