

A nice walk


I woke up at 7:30 this morning as usual. After having breakfast, Sister and I went to a temple to submit the 写経 that I did last Saturday. It was my first time to visit the place and it was very nice to go there. I prayed for my safe delivery:) 

After that we went to AEON to do some shopping and came home with donuts and bento. When I last had the bento, the portions were too big so I had one for kids. It was perfect and I enjoyed it very much:)

Then Mom, Sister and I went for walk for the first time since last Thursday. The weather was beautiful and it was warm outside. We walked under tree arches and felt very peaceful and relaxed. Since it rained quite a lot in the past few days, there was more greenery than the last time. Wondering how many more time I can go for a walk in such a nice climate...:)

I took a nap for an hour late in the afternoon and had a relaxing evening at home. I'm getting ready to give birth. Let's eat yakiniku tomorrow and get more ready! hahaha

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)