

The greatest compliment as a teacher


I woke up at 6:50 this morning. Yes, today was Moo's working-from-home day:) Even though I slept in, I went back to sleep after a conversation lesson and woke up at 10am...

Of course Moo had started work and I slowly got started..hihi  After doing something, I cooked meat sauce for pasta and it was quite good:) Moo enjoyed it a lot. Then after having some relaxing time, I cooked dinner and went to work as usual.

Today's last class was very hard to say goodbye as the students were so nice and attentive. I always had fun time with them, which made me sad to leave:( 

One of the students gave me a present and a letter. 

The present was this adorable toy for a baby:)! It's going to be my little one's first friend! And she wrote that she became to like learning English grammar because of my lessons. I think this is the greatest compliment as a teacher. I feel much happier when students say they became to like English than when they say they got better grades.  It was such a great pleasure to teach you English! Let's keep in touch and keep us updated:)

After coming home, Moo and I had dinner, went for a walk and sat by the pool for a while. I'm sure I'm going to miss this precious time with him after back in Japan...so I have to cherish every single moment now.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)