

Winter program done:)


I woke up at 6:20 this morning. After having some relaxing time on the sofa, I went to the last class in the winter program. It went well and finally finished:) I'm glad that I was able to run without any absence.

After that sensei and I went for a lunch at a nice restaurant. We talked a lot and it was just so much fun to talk about many different personal topics:) I hope we can have this kind of time one more time before going back to Japan.

After coming home, I just felt quite tired and fell asleep. Since Moo came home a bit late, I had a little bit of relaxing time. 

I was still feeling full when I was preparing dinner, so I ate little and didn't have any dessert or snacks afterwards. I went for a walk to feel light and it was nice:)

We were both quite sleepy early so we went to bed at 11pm.