

Being active at home


I woke up at 6:15 this morning. I don't know why but it's been quite hard to wake up recently. I always want to get back to sleep... Is it because it's December? Although we don't have winter here, my body is telling me that it's winter in Japan...

After sending Moo off, I had my morning routine and went to Donki. Since I bought quite a few snacks, I had to pay a lot. ha ha ha But Moo was very happy to have snacks at home:) It's OK as we normally don't waste money. Although I was thinking about buying some food for lunch, I didn't find anything attractive and cooked omurice at home. It was much nicer than outside food:)

Today I managed to stay awake all day and did many things in a day. Yay! I calculated money, prepared for the tomorrow's class and also studied accounting. Of course I enjoyed watching my favorite TV show in the afternoon. I felt a day quite long in a good way.

Moo came home around 7pm, then he was happy to select what to eat for dessert. We had chocolate chip cookies as a dessert and had a nice evening. I hope I can be productive tomorrow as well as today:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)