


I woke up at 6 this morning as usual.

I had a super non-productive morning and afternoon, so I felt quite bad about myself. Well, it's not good to stay at home all the time before work.

I went to work to give two lessons and went to watch a movie. Today, we got free tickets for FROZEN 2:) Moo invited his colleague's couple, so four of us went together. I have known them since I came to Singapore and it's been easier to talk to them. Although we had much time before the show, we had fun talking and having a drink. 

The movie was alright...it wasn't as good as the previous one, but overall I enjoyed it:) The story was a little bit difficult for kids though... Kids laughed a lot when Olaf did something stupid, which was cute.

Since the movie finished at 11pm, we came home at 12. In spite of the dull morning, I ended up having a good day thanks to the movie night:)