

Well, it's human


I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. I went to bed before 11pm, it wasn't difficult to wake up this morning. It's really good to have enough sleep when we are busy.

I went to work at 9 and gave four lessons in the morning. It felt very short as I was super busy... which is better than being bored of course:)

After work, I went to a shopping mall and enjoyed window shopping by myself. Since I hadn't had lunch, I looked around the shopping mall and ended up stopping by a fried chicken fast chain. OMG I know that it would be so unhealthy, but I just decided to have it... This is who we are. We sometimes make a stupid decision even though it's not nice:P

So I came home at 4:30, prepared tomorrow's classses and fell asleep without making dinner. OMG  Moo came home at 7:10 and I managed to prepare dinner.. phew

We also went for a walk along the usual riverside and felt so good:) I don't know why but it was so chilly outside that it was easy to walk.

Okay, it's time to take a shower and get ready to go to bed:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)