

Work and rest


I woke up at 6 this morning. I was super sleepy as I went to bed at 6 last night... Moo came home around 12:40 from his business trip, so I helped him unpack the luggage and went to bed. He was of course sleepier than me, so he went back to sleep after breakfast.

After sending him off, I did the laundry and took a power nap before going to work. This is the fourth day of the winter program and I'm getting a bit tired. It's good to have enough sleep. 

The students did great in the class as well as yesterday:) Time went by pretty fast. I had fish soup noodle for lunch and came home at 1:30pm. Even though I had to leave home at 3, I still wanted to come back home. I took a short break and went back to work. Today was such a busy day having 5 classes and teaching for 5.5 hours! But I'm glad I made it:)

The thing is Moo is still out with his colleagues....Today's his bonenkai with them. I hope he'll come home early so that he can also get enough sleep.

See yout tomorrow and have a good night:)