

Potluck and BBQ:)



I woke up at 7 this morning. I cooked Gomoku Gohan for potluck and went to work as usual. But my first student didn't come without any notification, so I just had to wait:( I gave two other classes as usual and came back home. 
We prepared some stuff and went to one of friend's condo to join the BBQ. 
There were 5 families of Moo's soccer team members. We had the same BBQ last May and this was our second gathering. Since all of them had children, it was really nice to see and talk to the kids and listen to Moms' chatting:) We also enjoyed the food. My gohan was so popular that it sold out soon:) hihi

We ended up staying there at 8. Thank you for the time:) I really enjoyed it!

We came home at 8:30 and did nothing at home as we were drunk. I went to bed quite early:)