

Friday alone


I woke up at 6:15 this morning. Moo went to work as usual and I did housework in the morning. My stomach didn't feel good and I spent most of the time on the sofa. Fotunately I felt better after having early lunch, so I studied and prepared for tomorrow's class.

Today's work was very relaxing and I enjoyed talking with my students. I'm so grateful to have great students. It's always fun to teach them:) 

Since Moo went for a drink, I came home and had yakisoba for dinner. Now I'm watching "コクリコ坂から" on Netflix and it's been really nice to see it for the first time in a long time:D I feel like I went back to my school days:)

Hope Moo will come home without feeling bad as he has to work tomorrow:(

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)