

Fun lunch and birthday party


Today was Moo and my proposal anniversary:) He proposed to me five days ago today. Time has gone by quite fast but we are closer than that time! Thank you for always taking care of me😊 
I woke up at 7:20 this morning. Seems like my body wakes up around the time every day. I started having a backache because of my big belly. Well, it's a normal thing for every pregnant woman. Once the baby is born, everything finishes and another hardship will begin:)

I went for a walk with the friend who was in the same country. We last met November last year but there were so many things to talk about! Time flew and 4 hours passed so quickly that we didn't notice the time. Thank you for coming all the way:) Looking forward to meeting you when she's born😊

In the evening, our family had a birthday party for Sister's younger daughter. She's turned two years old💓 We enjoyed having yakiniku and got very surprised that she ate quite big amount of meat! Happy birthday our little girl🥳 

Although it was such a busy day, I finished everything to do and feel quite good:) Let's have a little bit more relaxing day tomorrow.

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)