

Another nice spring walk:)


I woke up at 8 this morning as Mom overslept and she had just woken up as well. hahaha 

In the morning, I went to get my hair cut so that I could look a bit better. Mom's mom cut my hair and got much better than before:) Since I can't go to a hair salon for a while, it was good to go.

In the afternoon, Mom and I went for a walk as usual. It was very warm outside and we enjoyed walking under cherry blossom trees. 


A lot of children ran around the park and enjoyed picninc at the park:) Spring is just here!

Since it was very warm outside, we had iced coffee and it was so good:D I can see that we will switch hot coffee into iced coffee quite soon...

After that I played with my nieces some time and pressed the iron before dinner. I was able to do many things today:)

See you tomorrow and have a good night:)