


Tea time before saying good bye

2020.10.31(Sat) Although it was Halloween, I did nothing special and had a usual Saturday. I woke up at 7 this morning and went to work in the morning. I had a student who is going to leave for Japan and it was very sad to say good bye as …

No nap Friday:D

2020.10.30(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and sent him off. I really wanted to make the day productive, so I had two lessons in a row and prepared for the tomorrow's class. Then I watched the drama for a while and it was alre…


2020.10.29(木) 今日はお寝坊で7時15分に起きました(´▽`;)むーも外出+在宅勤務だったので焦ることなくのんびり朝を過ごし、英会話、洗濯、掃除が終わったら10時をすぎているというスロースタート。でもこの方が時間を持て余さなくていいっちゃいい…

Up and down

2020.10.28(Wed) I woke up at 6:25 this morning as I overslept. I had a dream traveling in the US and just enjoyed having the time there. hahaha After sending him off, I had two conversation lessons in a row and started reading. Then I fell…

Time went by fast!

2020.10.27(Tue) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual even though Moo was going to work from home. We had breakfast and had conversation lessons from 7am. It used to be our routines to do it, but now it's only when he works from home. Ro…


2020.10.26(月) 今日は雷雨と大雨で真っ暗な朝( ˙-˙ )眠い目をこすっていつも通り6時10分に起きました。先日スーパーで350円で買ったシャインマスカットが想像以上においしくてびっくり\( ˆoˆ )/とっても得した気分でした( ̄▽ ̄) 今日は検診の日だった…

Fun active Sunday

2020.10.25(Sun) I woke up at 7 this morning even though it was a Sunday morning. ha ha ha Since we woke up early, we had a very productive morning and went for a lunch with one of our friends and two of his friends. Today our friend took u…

Nice talking to you:)

2020.10.24(Sat) I woke up at 7:40 this morning. I went to work and gave two classes. One of them was quite tough but it somehow finished. phew When I came home, Moo was cooking ramen for lunch even though I brought lunch and ate it at scho…


2020.10.23(金) 今日はむーが在宅勤務だったので6時半までゆっくり寝ていました(*'▽')ご飯を食べてから2度寝しましたが、それでも洗濯を済ませてまだ9時すぎだったのでOK( ̄▽ ̄) 家で一人の時はお昼ご飯は、だいたい前の日の夜ごはんのちょっとの残りもの…

Totally free

2020.10.22(Thu) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and sent him off. Although I was going to come over to my Indian friend's house, she canceled at the last minute, so I became totally free today. To make the day productive, I had two…

Getting better

2020.10.21(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning and saw him off as usual. After that I couldn't get out of my sofa and wasted a lot of time there:( But I did the chores and had a conversation before noon. phew I had another lazy time after …


2020.10.20(火) 毎月言っているような気がしますが、その月の下旬になると一気に「え、もう下旬?つい最近〇月始まったばかりじゃなかったっけ…」という気分になります( ̄▽ ̄;)今月に限っては、もう20日だというのに生徒の宿題の日にちに9を書きそうにな…

Once in a while

2020.10.19(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning as usual. Moo was going to work from home, so we felt like we were going to continue weekend. hihi He started working at 9 and the aircon men came to clean all the aircons at 10. I had a relaxing…

A usual Sunday

2020.10.18(Sun) I woke up at 8 this morning as we went to bed at 1 last night. After having breakfast, we had a conversation lesson and Moo started studying, then went to the gym. He's really deligent and I can't do the same as he does. ha…


2020.10.17(土) 今日は7時過ぎに起き、忙しいのにむーが朝から自分の分からないことを調べてほしいとお願いごとをしてきたり、家事も全然手伝ってくれないので久しぶりにプンプンしてしまいました。そして外に出たらいつもの3倍くらい暑くてまた腹が立って…

Listening to music for free

2020.10.16(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and sent him off at 8. I had a conversation lesson and started listening to music afterwards. Now I'm using iTunes music for free and it has millions of music:) I listened to music wh…


2020.10.15(木) 今日は6時に起きて、おむーライスをむーに持たせて8時にお見送り。私はお昼仲のいい友達とランチに行く予定があったので、その前に日本の親友に妊娠したことを連絡したところ、「自分の妊娠知った時より嬉しかったよ!ゆいちゃん本当におめ…

Going to the hospital together

2020.10.14(Wed) I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Since Moo got a day off today, we had a very relaxing morning like Sunday morning:) I made a sandwich for breakfast and we had a conversation lesson. Then he studied and went to the gym while…

No nap day:D

2020.10.13(Tue) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual. After doing the laundry and cleaning the house, I started reading a book on Kindle. The name of the book was "俺たち妊活部”. The book was written by a man whose wife had IVF and fina…


2020.10.12(月) 昨日の夜、突然の下腹部痛と吐き気に襲われ、恐ろしい気持ちでドキドキ嫌な感じ。でもお昼にマックで飲んだアイスコーヒーと夜ご飯のカレーがお腹の中で化学反応を起こしただけのようで(笑)、トイレに行ったら治りました(*´ω`)ほっ でもしば…

First time aquarium:)

2020.10.11(Sun) I was woken up at 7:30 this morning. I had a bit weird dream, so it was nice to be woken up by Moo. phew We had a nice sandwich for breakfast and had a conversation lesson online. After doing the laundry, he went to the gym…

Full day

2020.10.10(Sat) I slept in until 8am this morning. OMG My brother called me here for the first time and we talked for 15 minutes on the phone! My nephew and niece grew up so much and they looked very happy:) It was great to see them after …


2020.10.9(金) 今日はむーのお弁当を準備しなくて良かったので6時半までゆっくり寝れました(^O^)腹巻きしてないことをむーにばれてしまい、「あ、ゆっちゃん…腹巻サボったな('_')」と朝からご指摘を受けました( ̄▽ ̄;)厳しすぎる 見送りしてから二度寝し…

Another lazy day

2020.10.8(Thu) I woke up at 6:10 this morning and had a bad stomach since I woke up:( Something weird is happening to my stomach. It's quite frustrating as I lose motivation and energy to be active. After seeing Moo off, I went back to sle…

Difficult to keep good condition

2020.10.7(Wed) I woke up at 6:10 this morning and prepared Moo's lunch for the first time in a week. He had eaten lunch outside for the past week, so I didn't have to prepare at all:) I had a conversation lesson and did the laundry as usua…


2020.10.6(火) 今日はまた少し早めに起きてむーを7時半前に見送りました。いつもオフィスでパソコンと向き合っていたのに、最近は現場の仕事も行かなければならず大忙しのご様子。 私は英会話をしてから1時間ほど読書を楽しみ、その後またしばらく朝寝タイ…

Got my hair cut:D

2020.10.5(Mon) I woke up at 6 this morning and Moo left home at 7:20. He's been very busy since last Thursday and went to work very early this morning. After sending him off, I had a conversation lesson and did the laundry, then fell aslee…

Great local food with a local friend

2020.10.4(Sun) I woke up at 7:20 this morning. We were supposed to go for a walk in the morning, but Moo didn't get up early, so we gave up the walk. Instead, we had conversation lessons and he studied for a while. I ironed many pieces of …


2020.10.3(土) 今日は7時すぎに起きて、休日出勤のむーのために朝からカレーを温めました←レトルトだけど(;^ω^)朝からしっかり食べたので元気モリモリでむーは出かけていきました(*'▽')お休みも頑張って働いてえらいぞ~! 私は午前中に病院でスクリーニ…

Grateful to have a normal day

2020.10.2(Fri) I woke up at 6:10 this morning as usual and prepared only Moo's breakfast as I couldn't eat mine. I tried not to sleep until he left for work and spent time on reading. After having a sleep, I felt much better and did some r…